As the rolling credits flash onto the screen I have to wipe the tears from under my eyes, from sheer laughter—as does Carol.

"How have I never seen that before?!" I laugh, shaking my head.

"I've watched it multiple times and it's still just as funny." Carol sniggers.

"Thank you, Mar." she smiles, placing her hand on top of mine.

"What for?" I furrow my brow.

"This. I know you're worried about me, I can see straight through you. But this was nice, I needed this today. Thank you." she gives my hand a gentle squeeze.

"Give me your hand." her eyes widen as she places my hand on top of her bump.

"You'd think they're trying to break out, huh?" she smiles widely as I feel the baby kick against my palm.

"I cant wait to meet him.. or her." I smile.

My phone buzzes in my pocket, grabbing both Carol and I's attention. I pick it up and read the notification, it's from Mason;

*Sleep well. I love you.*

My heart skips a beat, just like it did the first time.

"Give me that!" Carol gasps, reading the text for herself.

"Amara! When did this happen?" she gapes, her eyes softening and her bottom lip sticking out.

"He told me for the first time after his birthday, when he opened his gift." I smile, watching her eyes flicker between the message and me.

"I'm so happy you have him, Amara. You deserve happiness." she tells me.

"You truly are my favorite person on this earth, along with Izzy—and of course.. the bump." she chuckles.

"What about Steve?" I raise my brow.

"Eh, he's a close fourth." she smirks.

"I love you unconditionally, Amara." she sighs.


"No, no. It's not one of my soppy hormonal speeches, I truly mean it so let a woman speak." she says as she presses her finger against my lips; silencing me.

"You gave me a new lease of life, Amara. You know how I struggled to conceive, and when you came along.. I felt like I had my own little bundle of joy. You came along when I felt like everything was dark," I watch as her eyes become glassy, but I don't speak. "As horrible as the situation with your mom was, I got to raise you a lot more than I would have in any normal circumstance; and it was the best thing I've ever done."

"You have to remember always that I love you more than life itself. I'm saying this because I need to, it needs to be something you know rather than something you just hope—you are an amazing young woman, Amara; and you gave me hope when I didn't think I had any left. And now you've grown into my best friend." she kisses my forehead, both of us are crying now.

Carol never fails to make me feel like I'm worth something. I have a different connection to Carol than I do my mom; maybe it's the strained relationship, but Carol is the only person who has never disappointed me, or made me feel like I wasn't worth it, even for a second.

I can't imagine what I'd do without her, I'm bursting with happiness that she's going to have yet another baby—despite being told she couldn't conceive. She deserves all of the happiness in the world; maybe she really was just emotional these past few days.

"Well now you've made me cry." I laugh through my tears, wrapping my arms around her.

"Now get to bed, I didn't mean to keep you up this damn late." she chuckles.

"Goodnight," I smile.

"Goodnight, Amara."

I pour myself some water and grab a quick snack before bed, I shouldn't be this hungry after eating all day; but here I am, stuffing my face. I feel good. I'm on amazing terms with Mason, my friends are semi-getting along, and things with Carol are fine—just hormonal. Maybe she isn't the only one with her emotions in the air, I laugh to myself.

I turn out the light and walk to my bedroom, stopping outside the guest room as I see the light coming from under the door, and the sound of talking. Eavesdropping? Really, Amara?

I move closer to the door to hear what's being said, the muffled voice becoming clearer.

"—I just miss you, please call me back." she chokes.

"I need to know you're okay. I really hope you aren't doing what I think you're doing—you can't be, we have a family, a daughter, a baby on the way. Please, Steve."

My breath catches in my throat as I stumble backwards, speed-walking to my room and closing the door. I place my water on my desk as my mind runs wild. Steve?

'Please don't be doing what I think you're doing.' He can't be.
'We have a family.' He wouldn't.
Steve wouldn't cheat on Carol, right? The thought makes me nauseous. They have the perfect family, Carol adores Steve—Steve adores Carol; they've been my role model relationship since I was six and planning my dream boyfriend. I try to find every excuse possible in my mind, every option, every alternative which doesn't lead to Steve being unfaithful to Carol. Steve has been the father I never had, my only male role model—the one man I always believed wouldn't hurt his family. My heart sinks to my stomach.

I shed a tear, a singular tear—for Carol. For the heartbroken pregnant woman who doesn't have anyone to talk to about what's going on, because she's too selfless to tarnish others opinions on her husband.

It's crazy how quickly you can lose respect for somebody you've idolised your whole life.

It only takes a second.

{a/n: Can you believe we only have 15 chapters left?! How insane is that? Thank you for all the support along the way—I appreciate it more than anything!!

instagram: @downfallwrites }

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