She chuckled, seeing the deep shade of red appearing on her sister's cheeks. "See! You are blushing again, just like when you noticed her staring."

"She wasn't starting!" She tried to sound as confident as possible, but oh boy, she knew Anna was right once again.

"Yes, she was! And you turned red like a tomato! There's no denying; you like her."

"M-maybe a little. But we only met a few days ago; I still don't know her that well." The queen said shrugging. She knew she couldn't deny the fact that she wants to be closer to the princess, but she's not like her sister, she won't marry a stranger after just meeting them. Right?

"And that's where I come in, dear sister!" She giggled, then paused, thinking for a moment. "What was I saying when you-...ohh I know!" She cleared her throat. "So, I'll apologise to her in the morning and then ask her to train me. While she's showing me all her warrior moves, I'll convince her to give you a chance or ask you on a date, or I don't even know, but I swear you'll be kissing by your next alone time!" A shiver ran Elsa's spine at the thought of lips warm lips uniting with hers in a gentle kiss.

"Anna!" She bit her lip, then formed a generously sized snowball in her hand, aiming it at her sister.

The princess jumped up and screamed as she ran towards the large door that used to be slammed in her face. "YOU CAN'T STOP ME!" With a loud noise, she shut the door and ran into her own bedroom, already excited about tomorrow's events. Elsa could barely sleep that night.


My Dearest Cassandra,
I received word from your father. At yesterday's meeting, he announced his plans for a new war. I tried to tell him not to do that, but of course, he didn't listen to me, like he never listens to you, dearest. The war starts the following spring. I feel like this is going to be a big one, even fatal. Please, don't let him convince you to lead the army. I know that sacrificing yourself is a habit of yours, but please, we need you. Ovrilon needs you.

Uncle Zander

Cassandra sighed, angrily folding the piece of parchment in her shaking hand. She wasn't angry at her uncle for wanting her to live, no. She was mad because her father would never listen to anyone. "That idiot." She murmured under her breath.

Zander was one of the most trustworthy people in Ovrilon, brother of the former queen, Cassandra's mother. When the Queen died, he was the only one who genuinely cared about the child's tragic fate, treating her like his own. When Wulfacar sent the girl away, he stayed with her, guiding her on her eight-year journey.

Cassandra looked at her signet ring on the edge of her desk. It was a small piece of jewellery made of the most durable materials in Ovrilon, the form of a lion shining on it. The ring that once belonged to her mother was a symbol of royalty and leadership in her country. She has always been too afraid to wear it, because who would want to lose such treasure? But maybe Arendelle is safe enough to wear it. She doesn't have to worry about fighting, after all.

Taking a long look at the only thing left of her mother, she decided it's time to put it on her finger. Just when she was about to slide it on, she heard four knocks on the door. She sighed. "Come in."

To her surprise, Anna was the one stepping into the room with a slight bounce, smiling awkwardly. "Hi."

Turning her head to face the young lady, Cassandra tried her best to stay as friendly as possible. "Good morning, princess. Can I help you with something?"

With a small giggle, Anna walked next to the crown princess. "Actually, you can. But I'd like to apologise for my earlier behaviour first. It wasn't nice of me to treat you like that, so I'm sorry."

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