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Third Person POV

3 years later

"And this is when we brought you have from the hospital. You were so cute. And this was when I married your papa."

"Pwetty." Baby Kit giggles looking at the ocean scenery. His baby has loved the ocean just like his papa. Forth tried to turn the page in the photo album only for his son to hold the page down and giggle. 

He was brushing his baby's hair out of his face when a familiar scent hit his nose. Honey.

He looked to see his omega walking in dead tired. "Hi Forth."

"Papa!" Baby Kit yelled. It's been days since Beam was able to come home since he was swamped at the hospital. 

"Hi baby. Were you a good boy today?"

"Uh huh. Uppies!" He yells lifting his arms up and making grabby hands at Beam. He giggles before picking his baby up. He covers his face with kisses making his son smile. 

"I missed you love" Forth states as his husband sits next to him on the couch. 

"I missed you too." They share a kiss before their son wiggles in between them. 

"Is no fair." He pouts. 

"What's not baby?" Forth asks

"Kissies too" He states puffing his cheeks out. His parents his kiss both cheeks at the same time causing him to giggle. 

"Come one buddy. Let's go take a bath and get for bed."

"Owkay papa!" The little boy yells before running upstairs. 

"How long are you home for?"

"I actually took a week off. I know that Kit is missing me being here and I don't want to be away all the time. This way I can spend more time with you too."

Ever since he graduated, Beam has been working hard at the hospital. In order to support his dream, Forth took to working from home so he could take care of their son while Beam is away. 

"I can't wait to spend time with me." Forth says putting emphasis on certain words while wiggling his eyebrows. 

"Papa I ready!" The little boy yells from the bathroom. 

"Coming baby! Tone it down pervert daddy." Beam says pushing Forth away before running upstairs. 


"AH FORTH!" Beam screams into the pillow as his husband thrusts deeper into him from behind. 

After tucking Kit in for bed, Beam came to tease his husband wearing only his t-shirt. The teasing only caused him trouble. 

"Please! I need nggghhhhh" 

"My baby has been bad again" Forth grunts out. He continues to thrust harder into his husband while holding the base of his manhood so that he can't cum.

"I'm AH sorry!" 

"Nope. Bad babies get punished." He thrusts faster causing Beam to clutch the pillow under his head for dear life. 

It goes on like this until Beam is sobbing for relief. "Please...." He croaks out. 

Forth takes mercy on him and lets go while accelerating to meet his husbands climax. After a few more thrusts they cum together before Forth collapses on top of Beam, their fingers intertwined. 

"You okay?" Forth asks later that night while he cuddles with Beam. 

"Yeah. Just thinking of our wedding day. What you said to me." 


Beam and Forth stand at the alter staring at each other. They decided that they would share their own wedding vows. 

"Forth. You are the light of my life. When I was presented as an omega, and a pure-blood omega at that, I resented who I was. I felt like I would never be good enough because of my family. I struggled so much. I hid who I was from the world afraid that I was pathetic because of who I was. It was the moment I saw you that I knew I would never feel that way again. Through everything you have been there for me and never let me falter. You protect me from everything, including myself sometimes" He laughs out through his tears. "I don't.... I don't know what I would do without you baby. You mean the world to me my fated alpha." He cries out. 

Forth wipes his tears away and calms him down before saying his own vows. 

"My beautiful Beam. To me, you are everything. Unlike you, I had an amazing life. It was full of luxury and everything I could ever ask for, but I took it for granted. I never realized that the actions I made could affect me until I met you. When I saw your dazzling smile from across the canteen, I knew I was doomed. I realized I needed you forever, and that I would never let you go. In that moment I was worried that you would never accept an alpha like me." He paused to take a deep breath. "I was wrong. Your love and kindness is stifling. You've shown me that everyone deserves a chance to love no matter what they have done and I will never take your love for granted. No matter how many times I fail, you are always there to pick me up and help me through it. I realized as a pure-blood alpha, it wasn't that I was fated to bond with you. I was fated to love you, my fated omega." 

Beam was bawling before Forth pulled him into a tight embrace kissing him deeply. 


"You know you were right though. I was fated to love you Forth Jamornhum."

"And I will always love you Beam Jamornhum". Beam giggles when his husband uses his last name. He loves that he will forever have Forth's last name. 

Forth pulls Beam close as he slowly drifts off to sleep whispering. "I will always love you too Forth Jamornhum."


Hi guys. I finally finished this book. I hope you enjoyed reading this. Thank you so much for those of you who have been supporting me this entire time. 

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