Chapter 8

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Forth POV

It's finally lunch time. I immediately jumped out of my seat once class was over and texted Beam. 

[to My Beam:] Hey I'm headed over for lunch. Where are you?

                                                                                                                                                  Medical canteen.

Okay on my way.

I get there and I see Beam standing there talking to someone. He looks like an Alpha. Who is he? I can't help but feel the anger start to creep up. I see that he is about to grab Beam's arm before I wrap my arm around his waist from behind and pull him against me. He looks up surprised before smiling at me. Why is he so cute?

"You made it." 

"Of course. I told you I'd eat with you today," I say before caressing his cheek. He turned his head to lean deeper into it.

"Um Beam.. Who is this?" This stupid guy is still here.

"Oh P'Ren sorry this is-"

"Forth. His Alpha." I cut him off. I was shooting daggers at this guy while pulling Beam further into my embrace. I could tell that my aura was coming out but I didn't care. How dare he try to touch what's MINE. 

I can see him glaring at me but I don't care. "I'll see you later Beam," He says before leaving.

I feel Beam turn around in my arms and wrap his arms around my waist. "Hey, what's wrong?"

I look down at his concerned eyes. He can tell my aura is out. "It's nothing." I say squeezing him before walking to his table where his friends are. "What do you want for lunch? I'll get it for you?"

"Padthai and water please." I kiss the top of his head before walking over to give the order.

Beam POV

I watch Forth walk away before I hear Pha clear his throat. "So... are you gonna tell him or should I?"

"I just don't want him to be mad."

"Well clearly he's already possessive over you," Kit retorted. "You might as well tell him now in case something happens."

A few hours earlier....

"Why is everyone staring at me," I whisper to Kit as we take out seats. He just shrugs in confusion. 

Pha slides into the seat next to us looking concerned. "Hey, did you wear your scent neutralizer today? I can smell your pheromones and that never happens."

That's when all of the color drained from my face. Shit! I forgot to put it on this morning!  I looked around and could see people staring at me from a distance. I sank further down in my chair. I'm screwed.


I spent all day being approached by alphas who were interested in me and honestly I'm really tired. I kept rejecting all of them but only one of them kept following me. P'Ren. I kept trying to shake him but he still found a way to stick to me. I was trying to tell him to leave me alone when he confronted me at lunch before Forth came and rescued me. However, I know he's not going to give up after that. I sigh.

"I should just tell him shouldn't I?"

"At least he can protect you from others. I can't handle everyone eye raping you every time we go somewhere. At any moment they're going to pounce on you." Kit says glaring at people who are gazing at our table. 

"He's right," Pha nods his head in agreement.

This wouldn't be such a big deal if I was a regular omega, but I'm a pure blood. That means I'm rare and my pheromones are more alluring for the alphas. They feel a stronger urge to sleep with me due to lust. I shiver thinking about someone attacking me at any moment. 

Forth sits back down with our food and all three of us are staring at him. "What? Is something wrong?" I look at Pha with pleading eyes indicating I can't tell him myself. 

He sighs. "Look. This morning Beam forgot to wear his scent neutralizer before classes and people have been staring at him all day or approaching him because of his pheromones. As much as I want to help him I am not his alpha so I can only do so much. He's afraid to tell you because he's worried you'll be mad at him. Talk it out and come up with a solution okay?"

I couldn't help but stare at my lap twiddling my fingers together after Pha said that. I heard him and Kit get up to leave.

Forth POV

After I heard Pha's words, I watched him leave with Kit. I turned to Beam who was looking at his lap playing with his fingers. He looks scared. 

"Hey, look at me." He shakes his head still looking at his hands. "Look at me," I say again bringing his face up so I can see it. He eyes look teary like he's about to cry. "I'm not mad at you. It isn't your fault."

"I know..." he whispered. "I'm just scared. No one knows that I'm an omega until now and I don't want to attract people. Plus I'm YOUR omega. I don't want anyone trying to take me from you." He's pouting now and he looks so cute. Who knew he could be possessive over himself for me.

"Nothing is gonna happen okay? Now eat your food." I watch him finish his lunch quickly. I return our dishes before I pull him into the nearby restroom. 

"What are you doing?" He looked nervous.

"Calm down. I'm just gonna mark you with my scent so others won't approach you okay." He nods his head. 

I lean against him and press my face into his neck taking in his scent. Honey. It's always so sweet. I start to kiss and lick his nape. I feel his body shiver before he wraps his arms around me and pulls me closer. Our bodies are rubbing together and I start to bite. "Ah..." I hear a soft moan escape his mouth as he grips my hair. I bite a little harder. "Ah.. Forth.." Hearing him moan my name makes me hard. I rub my hard on against his. I feel his legs give out and hold him by the waist for support. I sniff his neck smelling my scent on him. We gaze into each other's eyes before I kiss his forehead. He buries his face into my neck inhaling the scent.

"Smells good?" I ask before he lets go of me. He just nods his head embarrassed. "Like what?"

"A cool ocean breeze" he whispers turning red. 

I ruffle his hair before kissing the top of his head. "Text me and I'll pick you up after your class okay?" 

I see the smile on his face when I say I'm picking him up. "Okay."

With that I drop him off at his class and glare at everyone who's glancing at him before I leave.


Another chapter update. I'm getting excited about this so far. Hopefully you feel the same way.

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