Chapter 26

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Third Person POV

Forth ran down and joined everyone on the beach. He sat on the sidelines and watched as Yo and Beam chased each other in the water laughing. He couldn't help but admire Beam's smile while his eyes sparkled in the sunlight. He was lost in thought when something cool touched his cheek making him jump before looking up. 

"Want something to drink?" Pha asked Forth holding a glass of soda. He took it before nodding. "You okay?"

"Yeah... Just deep in thought." There was a long silence before anyone spoke again. 

"You know, out of all the years I've known Beam I've never seen him more happy than when he is with you." Forth turned to look at Pha waiting for him to continue. 

"I met Beam when we were starting high school. We met Kit on the same day too. It's kind of nostalgic actually. Believe it or not Beam had such a bad temper. We later found out it was because of his family and the fact that he was hiding himself as an omega, but he wouldn't tell us much. He just said that it was nothing to worry about. One day, we got so worried about him we followed him home to find out he was staying at a homeless shelter and working three jobs to try and make a living. It was hard but he did it all by himself. He got an apartment and scholarships for school making it so that he didn't have to work during college so he could focus on studying" Pha paused for a minute taking a deep breath. "I'm sorry I didn't take care of him better." He looked at Forth with pain in his eyes. 

"I think you did a pretty good job. At the ned of the day, you and Kit were all he had and he wouldn't trade that for anything else in the world."

"I know.." 

"Is something else bothering you? I know we don't usually talk but I can always help if you need it." Forth searched Pha's face for anything sign of emotion that could indicate how he was feeling. 

"Was it hard for you and Beam at first?"

"Depends on what you mean. In a sense yes. It was hard not because I didn't want to be with him, but because neither one of us had ever been in a relationship. To find out that I had an omega was hard yet breathtaking at the same time."

"I get what you mean."

"You know when I found out I was a pure blood alpha, I was very arrogant about being superior to others. I didn't care about their feelings and treated a lot of them like trash because of my status. I was told to be careful because one day I will meet the person I'm meant to be with and they may hate me the way I am."

"How did you feel about that?"

"I honestly didn't care because I didn't think that an omega could have such power over me, especially as an alpha." Forth turns to stare at Pha. "But I was so wrong. In this world you have a 5% chance if that of meeting your fated pair. It's mostly rumors that you hear growing up. Meeting your fated pair and them being a pure blood for both sides is almost completely unheard of. As far as I know, the only cases we have are P'Kong and P'Arthit, Beam and I, and now you and Yo."

"It's that rare?"

"A pure blood omega is something that has never been seen before P'Arthit. They don't know how or why it happened. All they know is that when they bond with their alpha, it's different than a regular omega. More intense. We feel and share everything."

"Is that how it is with you and Beam?"

"Mmmm. When Beam gets hurt, I feel the pain like it's my own. When he's upset or stressed, I feel the negative energy coming and I do my best to send positive energy back to calm him down. It's the same with me. He's the only one that can pull me out of a blind rage and calm down the alpha inside me. Just his voice is all I need to calm down."

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