Chapter 12

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Beam POV

As much as I want to talk to Forth I don't really know what to say. Fearing I'll see him at my dorm, I decide to stay at Kit's for a while. I know it was a cowardly thing to do, but I couldn't see him right now. I told Kit and Pha to tell Forth they didn't know where I was if he asked. I'm just not ready. Plus, would he even try to find me?

Forth POV

I've been looking for Beam for days since what happened in the canteen. I know I've been acting a little weird around him lately but it was all for a good reason.


"I love you." I embrace Beam tightly before kissing him on the forehead. 

"I'll see you tomorrow okay?" I quickly leave before he has a chance to say anything. I slam the door behind me breathing heavily. 

"I'm so stupid." I say before punching the wall. 

A week later..

"Wait, so you didn't say it back to him them?" Lam asks surprised.

I sink down in my seat embarrassed. "I was going to but I felt like it needed to be special. After all the sleeping around I've done I want to show him that he is the only person I care about now, but I know I hurt his feelings now so I couldn't say anything to him. I didn't know how."

"What are gonna do then?" Park asks.

"I asked for some help." Just then I see my little sister walk up to us. 

"Hey guys!" 

"Oh N'Sandee. You're getting so cute now."

"Shut up Park!" Lam yells before hitting him in the head. "So Sandee why are you here?"

"To help Forth with his cute little omega. We set up this cute thing in his room for him later so Forth can surprise him."

"Hey, you have something in your hair." I say before brushing it out. We smile at each other. 

"Dude you spoil her too much." Park snorts.

"Of course I do," I say putting my arm around her. "She's my precious little sister."

We're all laughing when I feel a wave of distress hit me. I look over and see P'Kong with Beam and he's crying! "Beam what's wrong?"

Before I know what's happening P'Kong grabs my collar and roughly pulls me up. "How could you do this to Beam? I told you to take care of Beam you asshole!" He punches my face and I fall hard to the ground. 

I try to get up feeling confused when I hear Beam whisper "Did you ever love me at all?" before P'Kong hits me again and Beam's dragged away.  

I try to stand again and go after them but my legs give out. "Bro are you okay?" Park and Lam are trying to help me to my feet. 

"I need to find him." I say

[Flashback ends]

I've been waiting outside of Beam's room every day now to see if he comes home but he hasn't. I've asked Kit and Pha but they say they don't know where he is. After doing this for a few days I can't take it anymore so I confront Pha on campus. 

"We need to talk." He looks at me confused but I need to talk to him and explain what happened.

"I'll give you five minutes." He says frustrated.

"Look I know I went about this the wrong way but can you please tell me where Beam is? I need to see him."

"No." He was stern with his response. I was getting desperate.

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