Chapter 23

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Forth POV

"Beam! Beam don't leave me!" I hold his limp body in my arms. My hands covered in his blood.

"Forth.... I love you.." he whispers before he slowly closes his eyes. 

"Beam please!" 

"NO!" I wake up abruptly in a cold sweat. Tears are streaming down my face. I immediately reach to my left and feel Beam next to me. I sigh before sitting up and lean against the head board. It's been a week since the incident. Beam's bruises are starting to fade and the scratches are healing. I know he's okay, but I can't help but feel scared. I almost lost him forever. I was stroking his hair lost in my own thoughts when I feel him stir. 

"Baby?" He sits up and slowly and rubs his eyes before yawning. So cute! "What time is it?" He asks while sitting in my lap and laying his head on my chest. 

"A little after 4am."

"Can't sleep?" I shake my head before burying my nose in his neck. Honey. "Are you okay? Did you have another dream?" I nod my head without saying anything. He pulls me down to lay back down and holds me while rubbing my back. I feel warm from his touch. He strokes my back slowly and I feel sleep start to take me. He whispers "I love you" before I fall back asleep in his arms. 

Beam POV

It's been a week since the incident and I'm feeling better each day. I can finally go back to school and start my life again. Forth's dad has been such a big help for me and Yo. He took us in and is now in charge of both of us. He is acting as Yo's legal guardian since he is still underage which means Pha is working extra hard for his approval over their relationship. 

I feel better, but I know that Forth has been getting worse. He's been trying to act fine at school but at home he is a wreck. He's been having nightmares every day making it hard for him to sleep. He thinks I don't know but he always checks to make sure I'm still in the bed when he wakes up in the middle of the night. I don't know what to do to reassure him I'm fine. He's just scared. 

"Hey baby" I walk over to his lunch table and see his friends. They look worried about his condition. Even P'Kongpob is worried for him and has asked me about it once or twice. 

"Hi baby" he says giving me a weary smile. He goes to move over but I decide to sit in between his legs. I pull his arms around my waist to hold me while I lean against him. 

"Nice and secure." I say. I look up and meet his gaze. "I feel safe." I whisper and he sighs before kissing the top of my head and hugging me tightly. This is what he needs. Reassurance that he is really keeping me safe. 

Just then, the seniors come to the table. "Aw look at that. N'Forth holding Beam. You act like he is gonna disappear." P'Oak teases and Forth immediately tenses. I can feel the fear coming off of him. 

"Look now he's scared. He's acting like Beam's dying or something." He laughs before P'Kong hits him hard. He knows what happened and understands Forth's fear because of what he had to go through with P'Arthit at one point. 

I turn to look at him trying to send a calming aura his way. "Hey baby it's okay. I'm okay." I feel his whole body shaking and I can tell he is upset. I lift his chin to look at me and his eyes are teary while his lips quiver. "I'm really okay." I say looking into his eyes trying to convince him. He starts to calm down and pulls me closer smelling my scent. 

"Whoa I was just messing around. No need to be so serious." P'Oak tries to lighten the mood and it makes me pissed off. 

"Just leave! Do you even know what you've done?! Just because you're our senior doesn't mean you get to do whatever you want! Leave now!" I'm screaming while pulling Forth closer to protect him. He doesn't need those negative words in his head right now. Forth's friends and all of the seniors run away except for P'Kong. 

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