Chapter 31

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Third Person POV

It has been a month since they found out that Beam was pregnant and Forth was starting to worry about Beam's condition. At the beginning, he did call the doctor the next day only to be told that he was clear to continue their sexual activities. As excited as he was for that, Beam has had really bad morning sickness for weeks and Forth did not want to add his struggles. 

He was already tired from stress of the pregnancy and also school. On top of that Forth would hear Beam wake up anywhere between 1 and 4am to throw up repeatedly in the bathroom. He eventually passed out from being so tired and Forth was starting to get worried for the omega. He called P'Kong for advice. 


"Hi P"

"Hey Forth. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah I just..."

"What's going on?"

"It's just Beam's pregnancy. Did P'Arthit have a hard time with his at the beginning?"

"To be honest there was a lot of morning sickness at the beginning. He ended up sleeping in the bathroom more than the bedroom leaving me sleeping on the floor with him so that he would have company. It is supposed to help calm them down knowing that their alpha is there to support them."

"Does it stay that way?"

"No it doesn't but it also depends on the omega. P'Arthit was struggling because it was our first and male omegas as it is have a hard time with their first pregnancy. Half way through it we needed to put him on bed rest because working was putting too much strain on his body. Why? Is Beam okay?"

"Yeah he's just having the same symptoms. A lot of morning sickness and exhaustion from school."

"My advice to you is to talk to him and his doctor about it to see what you should do. He may need to take classes from home and just deal with not going until after the pregnancy is over."

"Okay P. Thank you."

"Don't worry about it. I'm sure you guys will be just fine."

"Okay thanks. Say hi to P'Arthit and baby Ming for me please."

"I will. Bye."

Forth set his phone down thinking. How could Beam take a whole semester from home? If anyone was going to help him it would be his dad, but first he needed to discuss the options with Beam. 

Beam POV

"P'Beam are you okay?" Yo asks full of concern. I went to lunch with him and Pha today for a change of scenery. 

"Don't worry buddy. Just got my hands full with this one." I say before rubbing my little bump as I just started showing. 

"How's it going with you guys?"

Yo blushes and tries to look away. He always gets nervous when it comes to his relationship with my best friend, but I really just want what's best for him. 

Pha clears his throat before speaking up. "Well that's kind of what I wanted to talk to you about." 

I lift my eyebrow and look at him waiting for what he needs to tell me. 

"Well... Yo's birthday is coming up soon and I was wondering since it was his 16th...."

"You were wondering if you could have sex right?" Yo immediately chokes on his tea from the use of the word sex at the table. Pha grabs him a napkin to wipe his face while rubbing his back until be calms down. Yo looks at me with flushed cheeks. 

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