[ Consider not disclosing B's weight/mass to the reader's of your story, hopefully, this should add a little more 'something' when the readers discover B is beginning to lose their mass and with that their power.]

Photo can be found here: https://www.wattpad.com/811561229-my-ocs-b22-96990

Personality: B does not feel emotions as well or as powerfully as their brother does. This is because, unlike their sibling who has an artificial soul, they have a singularity in replacement of a soul and this causes a limit on what emotions they feel. Which is why there are usually seen with a blank face, waiting to follow their sibling to whatever they deemed worthy to do. Without an affinity to emotions, they do, of course, feel apathetic to different things and does not question when ordered to do something no matter how unsavory. However, they do still feel small flickers of emotion and compassion that they cling to. There are some actions that can bring about these small flickers of emotion where there are flashes of joy in their face that makes them look more like a kid.

They are surprisingly gentle as well when not ordered to do something cruel, loving the feel of nature and the soft yarn of a well knit sweater. People and creatures are magnetized to their surprisingly disarming aura because of how silent and seemingly gentle they can be. Other than this, however, they are very codependent and rely on A heavily. Not just because they can't see, but because A is the only other person other than their creator who they have ever really interacted. B wants to please A and their father and will do what they say without question. However, as the story progresses, this idea is challenged as A and B gets separated and the two have to learn to develop away from each other.

[ B's got everything I look for in a near-emotionally empty character. Good job.]

Skills: B is incredibly powerful with seemingly infinite power because of the constant thrum of energy inside of them that is created by the singularity. This allows them the skill to create and destroy whatever they see fit. In addition to this, they have a surprising skill for knitting! Even though they can not see, they used to follow A's directions and would trust them when they were just starting to learn. Later in life, B gets to develop their skill further with special yarn that allows them to differentiate the different colors through touch alone and knit effortlessly through muscle memory.

Weaknesses: B's biggest weakness is their inability to differentiate between right and wrong. They would have a very shaky moral ground with such a limited touch on their emotions, but without a dependable role model, they find even the most unsavory acts reasonable as long as either their creator or A tells them to do it. It gives them minute imprints on their subconscious that prevents them from developing fully, clinging to A as much as possible. Following that, they are incredibly dependent on their sibling that they do not make their own decisions themselves. Even though they are arguably the more powerful of the two, B is stuck as merely a weapon and under the shadow of their eldest sibling.

Strengths: They are incredibly cooperative and loyal. B will blindly follow their creator and their sibling which proves that they are incredibly loyal and cooperative. Unlike their sibling who began to rebel once they realized what sorts of things their father was doing, B still hesitated to kill him and only did so when A was really in danger. Other than the attitude of servitude that was ingrained in them for years, B developed a gentle and magnetic aura that brings people and creatures towards them despite their pull of power which is a stark difference from their sibling's own personality.

[ Yeh, these are all fine. I can't find any issues.]

Powers: With a singularity as their energy source, they are able to transform and focus that energy to create seemingly impossible things such as a sun on the palm of their hand without breaking a sweat. However, this power has many limitations. A very prominent limitation is their incredible density that limits their speed and agility because they would have difficulty in adjusting their acceleration when moving because of how much mass the singularity in them contains. Of course, they are able to substitute their inability to dodge attacks through items, whatever is around, that work as temporary shields. B also is limited by the very power source inside them because if too much of the Hawking Radiation, a sort of radiation emitted by black holes that B makes use of, is used up, the singularity in them will lose completely mass and inevitably evaporate. Similar to A's powers that will eventually break down their very body, B's own powers has a time crunch and will not last forever.

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