Chapter 62

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Quinn's POV

After about 30-minute drive I pull up letting the valet park my car, and when he returns he gives me a slip of paper and I hand him a nice tip knowing the kind of work he does for such little pay, "Thank you." I smile at him nodding my head before turning my attention upward looking at the stunning 41 story high tower. I walk up to the elderly door man who smiles and opens the door for me, "Welcome to Allure Tower complex." I smile back at him hoping he could help me, "Can you point me in the direction of the concierge?" The man nods his head and gives the simple directions. "Thank you." I say as the man tips his hat and I walk into the hotel looking place and try to follow the man's directions.

I find the front desk as the concierge lifts his eyes off the computer in front of him and looks at me with a smile, "How can I help you today?" I sigh thinking to myself that this is a lot harder than just meeting Nick some place,"My name is Quinn Callahan and I was told to tell you that I am here to see Nick Romero." The concierge gives me an odd look as he picks up the phone and dials,"Good evening Mr. Romero, I have a Quinn Callahan down here that is claiming she is here to see you." I give the concierge a dirty look thinking as to why he would think I would be lying.

"Okay sir, very well." the concierge hangs up the phone still looking at me with an odd look, "Mr. Romero is expecting you, just get on the elevator and push the button labeled P.H." It is my turn to give him an odd look but I just shrug my shoulders and head towards the elevator thinking that the initials the concierge gave me mean penthouse, but that couldn't be right. I step into the elevator and push the button I was told and the doors close and I start headed upward passing every floor knowing that I am going higher and higher in the tower, and after a few seconds the elevator stops reaching my destination. 

The elevator opens revealing the apartment and I stand there for a moment awestruck at the beauty and magnificence of the breathtaking two story penthouse. I walk further looking around in awe with my shoes hitting the beautiful tile flooring as I try to take in as much as I can but it is not easy with the place being huge and having so much to see. The walls are a mixture of tan and white, and what I mean by that is some of the walls are tan and some walls are white.

I stand in front of the huge opened living room that has different colored tile than the main part of the house, to my right are two open doorways but I can't see where they lead too, in front of my is the open living area with what looks like an expensive looking entertainment center with a fireplace surrounded by two sides of glass shelves and the biggest flat screen TV I have ever seen. A glass table sits in the middle of the room with a black sectional couch on side of it and two chairs on the other side, the back wall of the living room is nothing but floor-to-ceiling windows that have double glass doors that lead out onto the balcony area which show off a picturesque and spectacular view of the Las Vegas Strip as it towers over it.

To my left, you have what looks like the dining room, the kitchen, the spiral staircase that leads to the second level of the place, and in the corner, is a fully stocked bar completed with two walls that are built of glass shelves covered in all types of bottled stuff from around the world. "You look like you are going to pass out their Little Dove." the sound of Nick's voice snaps me out of the amazement when I finally turn my attention to Nick who is standing in his kitchen. I keep looking around still baffled by the place.

"This place is beyond words Nick." I walk into the kitchen taking in every inch of the place as I do. The kitchen itself reminds me of professional chef's kitchen with high-gloss wooden drawers and cabinets, to the right, you have the doorway leads into the dining room and is made from cabinet. Then you have the long counter top that has the sink, the kerger coffee maker, and other things that I guess Nick needs in the kitchen. In the middle of the kitchen is a large center island that on one side has the gas stove and white counter top, and on the other side of is are several chairs.

To the left of the room is a storage room, a massive fridge, more high-gloss wooden drawers and cabinets, and the oven that is built into the wall. "I like to think of it as home." Nick smiles as he keeps cooking something on the stove, "How do you afford this place?" I ask being more direct that I intended while Nick laughs, "I have my ways, and believe it or not I do have an actual job." Nick turns the heat down on the burner, and the smell of the food right away gets my stomach growling, "Sounds like someone is hungry." Nick smiles while I lean over the island to see what he is cooking,

"What are you making there? Because whatever it is smells amazing." Nick takes salt and adds it to the pot in front of him, "I am making my dad's famous spaghetti and meatballs from scratch." I have to say I am very impressed with Nick for knowing how to do that, but then again most of my friends who are guys can cook. "Color me impressed." I say smiling at him as he smiles back stirring the pot with a wooden spoon, "How was your day?" He asks starting on his meatballs, "It has been a day of surprises, but I think the biggest surprise was the letter I got from Brenton today saying that he will be coming home some point in the next day or two." Nick's whole body and demeanor suddenly changes upon hearing this news.

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