Chapter 33

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Quinn's POV

I search all around the house and still can't find Nick anywhere, but as I enter the bedroom I stay in I find him pacing the floor of the bedroom shirtless with his dark red shirt long sleeve shirt on the floor next to the fireplace, "What are you doing in here?" I ask him walking further into the room and closing the door behind me, and I see the black and blue bruises all over his body from the fight and his lip is bleeding. "GET OUT!" he yells but since I am hard headed and want answers about what happened I don't listen to him and step into his path like he has done to me on several occasions.

 "I am not going anywhere, you need to be looked at, but first I need you to please calm down." Nick towers over but I know that Nick would never hurt me on purpose. Nick and I are standing close enough to each other that I feel the heat radiating off him, each breath from him is short and ragged, and sweat gliding down his body. Nick growls at me and turns around, and as he does I find out that he has more tattoos that I haven't seen yet.

He has claw marks on his left shoulder blade, on his right shoulder blade he has three triangles overlapping each other, but the tattoo that draws the eyes is the beautiful tribal tattoo with the word damaged mixed into it that is directly on his back, and what happens to be my favorite tattoo on Nick is his phoenix tattoo on his left side that starts from somewhere inside his pants and stops right before is arm pit, "Nick I have to say, your collection of tattoos is breathtaking." I slowly place my hand on the tribal tattoo and run my handover the word damaged getting a serious reaction from Nick as his body seems to relax under my touch,

"Talk to me." I say as I remove my hand from his back and take his hand into mine which gets him to whip around to face me and pull his hand away, "Stop acting like you care, we both know that you care more about Emery then you do me."Nick snarls at me sitting down in the sofa chair staring at the blue flames inside the fireplace, "If that was the case, do you think that I would left him to come search for you?" I ask him sitting next to him but he keeps staring at the flames, "You are just going to yell me for fighting with him." I grab Nick by his chin and make him look at me,

"I want to know why you felt the sudden need to punch Emery out of nowhere." Nick lets out a deep breath as the two of us stare into each other's eyes and I once again find myself getting lost in a sea of blue, "I don't know why exactly, all I know is that when I walked into the living room and saw his hands on your hips and the way he was looking at you, I just got this surge of mixed emotions, and I just reacted." I sigh tracing the moon with a star in the middle of the moon tattoo on his hand, "Nick, it sounds to me like you were jealous of the way Emery and I were dancing with each other."

Nick lifts my head to look at him again as he slowly leans forward placing his lips on mine and instead of pushing him away I use my hand placing it on the back of his head and pull him towards me deepening our kiss and turning that once small innocent kiss into a fiery passionate kiss. Nick gently picks me up and places me on his lap. The feeling of sexual tension that I never really noticed between Nick and I until now is heavier than ever, I still can't understand why this always seems to happen when I with him, and for the first time I decide not to fight or ignore whatever I feel for Nick as I wrap my arms around his shoulders,

I know I only met you a few weeks ago, but I can't deny the things that you do tome Little Dove." He says pulling out of the kiss and pushes my hair out of my face, "I can't believe that I am going to admit this, but I could say the very same things about you." I say honesty getting Nick to smiles at me running his finger along my lips. "When I am around you I feel like this completely different person, I am more carefree, adventures, and I get this confidents that I never knew I had." Nick tightens his grip on my waist as I gently run my hands along his chest tattoos,

"And yet you fight your feelings for me." Nick says in a low and seductive tone, and as he places my hand over his heart the feeling of someone lighting my body on fire comes over and I think to myself that I never want to lose this feeling,"I can't do this Nick, not to Brenton." I run my hand along his cheek looking to his eyes as his pupils dilate enough to where that I can no longer see myself in his eyes. "I am sure that I don't need to tell you that you are playing dangerous game of the hearts." I nod my head knowing that he is right,"I know that one day you will realize that I am one for you, but in the meantime you might not want to act on your feeling, but I am not shy acting on mine."

Nick lowers his head and starts slowly kissing my neck sending shivers from the top of my head to my toes. He kisses down my neck until he reaches my collarbone. I know deep in my heart that Nick is right about me playing a dangerous game, it is like I am standing on a cliff above water, a part of me is telling me jump and experience a taste and rush of true freedom, but the other part of me is telling me to be safe and walk away. I am pulled out of my thoughts when Nick'slips find a certain spot on my shoulder getting a breathless moan to escape my lips, and even if I can't see his face at the moment I can feel his lips curl into a smile. 

"Your sweet spot." He whispers moving his hands up my off-the shoulder-sweater,"Nick." I moan letting my hands fall from his shoulder to his side where I start lightly tracing his phoenix which seems to really get him going, and right as I feel like I am going to lose all sense of control over myself a knock on the door brings everything to an end, and I can't tell you how relieved I am. "Go into the bathroom." I whisper in his ear as he carefully picks me up and places me on the chair before going into the bathroom. "Come in." I say my voice sounding odd as I try get myself back under control. The door opens and I see Reed pop his head in the doorway,

"You were gone for some time and all your friends were getting worried." I sigh fixing my off-the shoulder-sweater which gets the attention from Reed, "You look flustered." Nick comments as he pushes the door all the way open, "Nick isn't the easiest person to check over, but other than a busted lip that should heal on its own and some bruises, Nick is completely fine and he has managed to calm down." Reed grins at me as he leans against the door, "You should head back down, your friends are worried that Nick did something serious to you, and judging from what I have observed so far I would say that he did something but it wasn't something painful." I stand up and walk up to Reed taking a deep breath and running my hand through my hair, "I don't what you are thinking, but nothing happened." Reed doesn't say a word as he steps aside letting me pass him. I walk out of the room and head back down to the living room.

I enter the living room to see that everything has been cleaned up, Chris is getting the next movie ready, Emery is laying on the chair looking like he has been in war, Anthony comes up behind me scaring me a little as he places drinks and snacks on the table before relaxing on the couch, Tiffany and Clay are cuddled up on the couch, and Chaz is laying on the floor. "Just in time, we are about to start 'Annabelle Creation' Chris says pressing play as the movie starts. I smile at him as I walk over to Emery giving him a kiss on his cheek,"I am sorry that I am horrible friend." Emery shakes his head at me, "You have nothing to apologize for Quinn, I already told you that Nick and I fight like this all the time." I sigh still feeling guilty that the fight was over me.

I curl up on the couch and cuddle with Anthony just as Nick and Reed enter the room, and the rest night went off with any incident as everyone got back into the point of the party. 

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