Chapter 15

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Quinn's POV

"What are you doing? You just ran off on me without giving me a reason." Nick says with a rude tone of voice. I look at him like puzzled as to why he would care so much, "News flash tall, dark, and mysterious, we don't even know each other and you are acting like we do. I will be fine, trust me I know how to defend myself." I say as part of me wants Nick to leave me alone while the other part of me wants him to stay. "You look like you have a million emotions are running through your head." I just smile lightly at him, "I just needed air to help me clear my head, but you lurking around me seems to be clouding my judgement." Nick chuckles stepping closer to me,

"Or maybe it is the simple fact that I am making you question not only what you thought you knew about yourself but everything going on in your life." I can't shake his hold that Nick seems to have over me and that scares me but yet excites me at the same time. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asks and I shake my head as I bury whatever I am feeling at the moment as far deep as I can. "You must be drunk to think that I would talk about my personal life with someone that I know nothing about." I say in a snapping and annoyed tone of voice. Nick takes a step towards me until we are only inches away from each other. "I don't do the heavy drinking, I drink a little to get a buzz but not enough to get drunk or blackout." He says as he looks down at me with his blue eyes boring into mine,

"I couldn't help but notice that you haven't let any type of drink touch those beautiful lips of yours tonight." Nick lifts his hand as lightly brushes his finger against my lips, "You never know what people might put in your drink when you are not looking." I say knowing that was my dad talking right there,"You are very cautious person, but yet you seemed to open up for me tonight when we were dancing." I feel frozen to the ground unable to move away from him, "You can tell a lot about a person without them saying a single word, just by watching them they speak volumes." I finally manage to pull myself from the weird spell Nick has over me, "There is a word for that, it is called profiling." I say which gets Nick to laugh a little bit,

"It is odd that you know my name, but I have yet to know yours." I tuck a strain of my hair behind my ear and cross my arms lightly over my chest to try to keep warm. "I don't to tell my name to strangers." I say shivering a little bit thanks to the cold breeze even if it is 90 some degrees out tonight, "Come with me." Nick says as he takes my hand and leads me away from the club and around the corner. "Where are you taking me?" I ask pulling my hand away from Nick getting a little freaked out. "You look cold." He says as he walks up to a beautiful white car. "You can't possibly own this car." I say getting a better look at car underneath the dim light of the street light, "What makes you say that?" He asks opening the passenger side door and looking inside of it for something. "This is a 2019 Cadillac xt4." Garrett closes the door and nods his head, "What is your point?" He asks handing me a black hoodie.

I take the hoodie from him as he leans against the car, "My point is that a car like that is over 30 thousand dollars." Nick nods his head with a smile on his face, "You know your cars." I carefully put on the hoodie and I notice that it smells like Nick which I guess is understandable because it is his hoodie."When you have a dad like I do, you get to know cars." The hoodie is very big on me but I have to say that I do feel warmer, "Thank you for the hoodie." I say in a low tone of voice, "I have to say that my hoodie looks better on you than it does on me." I feel my cheeks heat up and I know that my blush is more visible in this kind of light. "My name is Quinn." Nick pushes himself off the car and stands in front of me, "It is a pleasure to finally meet you Quinn."Nick slowly leans forward until his lips are inches away from mine,

"You must get complimented on how beautiful your name is all the time." He says and I feel myself leaning forward, "I told you I would collect on what you started in the club." He whispers very seductively in my ear. Nick turns his attention back to me as we stare at each other and I know that I can feel some kind of tension between him and I, I slowly lean my head up as he leans his head down and our lips lightly touch each other, but after a second I feel the cold metal of the dog tags which snaps me back to reality as I pull away from him, "I shouldn't be feeling like this and I really shouldn't be doing this, I need to go." I start walking away from him but he catches up with me and makes his way in front of me, "What is wrong?" I let out sigh, "You asked me why I wear this?" I pull out the dog tags from inside the hoodie and Nick inclines his head,

"I wear these because they belong to my boyfriend Brenton who is overseas and I love him with all my heart." Nick just stands there without saying a word to me, "I should go tell my friends that I ready to head home." I walk past Nick and head back into the club all the while I can feel the gaze of Nick burning its way through the back of my head.

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