Chapter 3

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Quinn's POV

I make my way downstairs and the first thing I see is my grandma Etta sitting in her chair watching TV.My grandma is 5 foot 7 with blonde hair, hazel eyes, and is a retried hospital therapist. "Morning grandma." I say walking to the side of the chair and give her a hug. "Morning sweet pie." She says smiling at me as she returns the hug."What are you watching?" I ask her pulling out of the hug and look over at the TV, "I am watching my usual morning talk show." She turns her attention away from me and back to the TV as I walk away from her and head into the kitchen. 

The smell of French toast and bacon fills the air and I place my purse down on the counter and turn my attention to my dad who is sitting at the table in his uniform drinking coffee and eating as he gets ready to head off to work this morning. My dad stands at a little over six foot 5 of all muscle and is covered with tattoos, he has dark brown hair, blue eyes, and he works as a police officer which is why his schedule is very unpredictable. "Morning daddy." I say walking over him and giving him a huge hug and a kiss on his cheek.

My dad smiles at me as he puts his coffee down and give me my own kiss but he gives me a kiss on my forehead. "Morning pup." He says calling me nickname he has called me since I was very little. "I see that you have the early shift at the diner today." He says as I make up a plate of food and sit down across from him. "Yeah, but luckily Emery and Tiffany also have the morning shift." I say as I dig into my food. My dad and I are in the middle of talking about the diner when all of a sudden, our front door open and in walks my brother Jared.

My older brother Jared is 5 foot 11 and slim, he has dark brown hair, green eyes,and has been a bartender for a year now. "Looks like someone is just getting home." I say and my brother just stares at me as he closes the door and jumps onto the counter. "How was work son?" My dad asks as he finishes his food, "It was a rough last night, and it normal is when you are the closer that works from 7:30 at night to 7 in the morning." My dad laughs as he stands up from the table and puts his dirty dishes in the sink. 

"You wanted to be a bartender, and you had to know that bar tending is not all glitz and glamour son." My brother just looks at my dad and I know that my dad is extremely proud of both my brother and I for how we turned out and the path that we are headed down. "Do you have to work again tonight?" My dad asks and my brother shakes his head, "It is my day off for the week besides Sunday's."My dad walks over to grabs his holster and straps it on, "Can you do me a favor and pick up your sister from work?" Jared looks over at me and I can tell that he really doesn't want to and I can understand that. 

It's okay dad, I am capable of driving to and from work on my own." My dad looks at me with a mixed expression on his face, "I just worry about you." I smile at him as I finish the food that was on my plate, "And I love you for it, but Jared is most likely be sleeping all day, and grandma has stuff." My dad lets out a huge breath as he finishes getting ready for work. "Alright, but I expect you back in this house by the time the street lights come on." I nod my head smiling at him before giving him another hug, "Be careful, and make sure that you come back home to us." I whisper in his ear giving him one last kiss on his cheek. If there is one thing that I worry most about it is my dad walking out that door and never coming back, I worry the same thing about Jared, and sometimes the fear really gets to me if either one of them is a minute late.

"You two be good." He says looking at Jared and I before walking out the door."Thanks for getting me off the hook their little sister." I turn around to see Jared hop off the counter and I grab my purse off the counter and sling it around me. "You're welcome, I know that on your days off that you typically catch up on your sleep." My brother lets out a loud yawn as he stretches, "Do you think you could bring me home chicken strips and fries?" I place my hand on my hip giving him a sly smile, "I suppose so, since I am the best little sister." Jared gives me a hug before pulling away from me, "Good night Quinn." I roll my eyes at him playfully and wave to him as he leaves the kitchen, "Good morning." I joke at him as I make sure I have everything before walking back into the living room,

"Alright grandma, I am headed to work." My grandma turns her attention away from the TV and onto me, "You have a good day dear." I lean down as she kisses my cheek. I walk out of the living room and grab my keys off my hook before walking into our five-car garage and over to my white Volvo XC40. My dad bought me this for my birthday this year and I have been in love with this car ever since. I get into the driver side and turn it on as I out the garage door and pull out of the driveway and head towards the diner. 

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