Chapter 34

32 1 6

Quinn's POV

I open my eyes upon hearing the sound of snoring next to me and when I sit up and look around I see that I no longer in the living room but in the bedroom at Chris's house, I rub my eyes with one hand due to the brightness in the room and with my other hand I reach over to the nightstand grabbing the alarm clock, and I am just able to make out that it is 10:30 in the morning. I put the alarm clock down looking to my right hearing the sound of snoring again and I see that I am not in bed alone because snoring next to me is a shirtless Anthony. I think back to the last thing I remember and that is falling asleep during 'Annabelle comes home' I push the covers off me and notice that I still in the same clothes from yesterday, I make my way out of the room making sure to be quite enough not to wake Anthony and head downstairs. 

I hear the sound of two people talking mixed with laughter coming from the kitchen and when enter the kitchen I see something that I was not prepared for, I catch a shirtless Chris who is only wearing a pair of grey sweatpants that are low enough that I can see most of his black Calvin Klein's, and I see Alexa Harmon who is only wearing one of Chris's shirts that falls to her knees. "You two sure look like a cozy couple." I comment leaning against the wall and the two of scramble upon hearing my voice, "Quinn, I didn't expect you to be up this early." Chris says with his face turning completely red,

"I didn't expect to see to Alexa Harmon this morning with her hand down your sweatpants." I joke with him which only embarrasses Chris even more. "Alexa,will you please go check the movie, I think it is almost done." Alexa nods her head waving at me before going into the living room. "You have nothing to be ashamed of Chris, I don't think I have ever seen you in boyfriend mood before."Chris goes back to finishing cooking breakfast, "I don't know what you are talking about." I walk to the fridge and open it, "I am talking about how cute Alexa and you are, and I can tell that you two have feelings for each other." I grab the pitcher of orange juice and place it on the counter. "You didn't have to sneak her into the house in the middle of the night, but I will say that I am happy to see you happy." I open the cabinet and pull out a glass and pour myself juice in it as Chris finishes up his cooking.

"It didn't happen like that, she showed up last night on her own and wanted to hangout, she didn't even know about the party until I told her." I give him a look telling him that if that is his story then more power to him. "Doesn't explain how you are just in very loose sweatpants and boxers and how Alexa ended up just in one of your shirts." I take a sip of my juice, and instead of answering my question Chris decides to flip the tables on me. "Speaking of having feeling for someone. Do you want to talk about last night and Nick?" I almost cough up my juice hearing those words come out of Chris's mouth.

"What do you mean?" I ask through my coughs while Chris places the food on the counter, "Everyone knows why Emery and Nick got in that fight last night, and I am just wondering if you know." I get my coughing under control nodding my head, "I am aware of what caused the fight Chris, I know that the fight was over me." Chris leans against the counter giving me a concerned look, "Everyone is wondering why you choose to run to the aid of Nick instead of coming to the aid of Emery." I take a deep breath as I start making a plate of food, "Emery had you and everyone else to look after him, Nick didn't really have anyone."Chris just shakes his head at me, "He had his buddies Reed and Chaz, and one of them warned you not to go after Nick because of his tempter, but you went anyways and vanished for about an hour or more." I sit down at the table as Chris takes a seat at the counter, 

"I feel bad enough about last night, I really don't need a lecture and for my day to start off on the wrong foot." Chris nods his head and drops the subject."Where is everyone anyways?" I ask taking a bite of my pancake. "Nick went fora run, Emery is still asleep in the chair, Anthony I believe is in your room,Tiffany and Clay are getting dressed and ready for the day, Reed is down in the basement working out, and Chaz is passed out on the floor of the living room."I smile at him taking another bite of pancake. Once I swallow the pancake piece I ask Chris another question that is on my mind, "What happened last night, and how did I end up in bed with Anthony?" Chris laughs and I know that he is laughing at how I phrased the question.

"Everyone eventually fell asleep at one point or another and after you feel asleep on Anthony he picked you up and cared you to your room, I guess he stayed with you through the night." I finish up my food and place my dirty dishes in the dishwasher before giving Chris a kiss on his cheek, "Thank you for the food master chef." Chris laughs and inclines his head, "I am going to shower and get ready for the day, and that way Alexa and you can get back what I only guess was going to happen before I walked in." Chris gives me a weird look before understanding what I am talking about, but before he can say anything I walk out of the kitchen and head back upstairs to my room to get ready for my day. 

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