Chapter 29 Désespoir

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J*****e POV

Nothing worked, no one can feel Ava.

Nell tried every trick in the book, we just can't get to my baby girl. She even reached out to some Sovereign elders.

Nothing, she is still ... lost.

It's been three months.

I stare at my baby lying in the pediatric ICU.

Central line in her neck, feeding tube in her nose.

She's comatose.

Our medical Eros pipeline runs far and deep. We've had dozens of specialists and so called experts trying to help. Everyone we know and trust is rallying, trying to figure it out. But at this point it's mostly well wishes and lip service.

Larry is sitting next to her bed with his son sleeping on his lap. I saw Laurent in the hall, waiting for me to leave the room. He knows I still can't look at him.

The pediatric neurologist comes in.

"Mr. and Mrs. Bourgeois, how are you this evening?"

How do you think!

"NeNe ... "

Dr. Williams so sorry that was rude. I'm just ....

"It's fine, I understand."

"What news Doctor?"

"Well, as we discussed you know the longer she is gone the harder it will be to get her back. She's still stable, relatively speaking, but her tests show ... brain activity is ... we're doing another test tomorrow. I'm so sorry, the prognosis is not good. Ava is declining."

Larry shakes his head.

"You fill in Laurent?"

"Yes, we spoke in the hall. She still ... upset?"

"Yeah, she no want see him. Nevermind that, will Ava wake?"

"At this point, if she does, there will most likely be a mid range deficit. But, the longer she's gone ... the greater her loss."

How much time?

"Very little I'm afraid. We will know more tomorrow."

I can't respond.

My baby girl is slowly slipping away, and there's nothing I can do about it.

Larry shakes his hand and he leaves.

I sit on the bed and touch her little arms. Wow, they're cold. I move her stuffed animal, blow and rub her hands between my own. I cover her with her little kangaroo blanket and put "Roo" next to her.

Ava, Roo is back now.

"NeNe, I take L.J. home he tired. You stay tonight?"


"Bébé, she be fine. We not loose hope. I call when at house."

Yeah, OK.

I kiss and hug my husband and baby boy. He looks back at Ava and waves. She stirs.

That's hopeful. L.J. seems to still feel her, and she responds to him, only him. I can't really get a read on their twin connection.

Larry reassures that Ava is still still connected to her brother.

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