Chapter Twenty Two: Phone Call

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  I was sitting on the couch in the living room, watching TV with Yeosang. San came down to get a snack, pausing when his phone rang.

  "Dad? Hi!" He said happily. He listened for a second, then his smile dropped.

  I watched him as his eyebrows knit together, and he walked back to his room.

  "I'm gonna go check on him." I said to Yeosang, getting up. I knocked on San's door a minute later. "San? Can I come in?"

  "Dad, please." I could hear his voice through the door. "Dad, you don't have to-" I heard San sigh. "Yes, dad. I'm dating him. Is that what you wanted? The rumors are true, your kid is gay."

  My heart dropped. This was my fault.

  "Dad, you can't mean that. Dad wait, please. Dad, I really care about him." San's voice was changing. He was pleading with his dad, he sounded desperate. "Dad, this isn't some stupid phase, Wooyoung means a lot to me! I'm so happy with him and I- ....Dad?"

  I heard a quiet hiccup as San started crying. I knocked again.

  "...San?" I said softly. "Please let me in?"

  "Y- you can come in." San whispered.

  I opened the door, heading into San's room. I shut the door behind me, and looked to him, seeing tears pouring down his cheeks. I felt my heart shatter in my chest. I all but ran to him, pulling him into my arms.

  "What's wrong? What happened?" I asked softly, holding him tight. "Talk to me."

  "My parents don't want anything to do with me anymore." San could barely talk, he was crying too hard. "They don't want to talk to me again."

  A loud sob came from him, and he dissolved into my arms, sobbing. I held him tight, rubbing his back.

  "I'm so sorry..." I whispered. "I'm so, so sorry..."

  I couldn't think of the right words to say. The only sound in the room was San's loud sobs. My chest hurt listening to him, he was so destroyed.

  I eventually laid down, pulling the crying San down with me. I just held him tight, and rubbed his back. He cried himself to sleep after a little while, his head on my chest. He was clinging to my shirt in his sleep.

  I pulled my phone out, and sent a message to Hongjoong. I let him know what was going on, and asked him and the others to just give us a little space. I got an 'ok' in response.

  I held San close as he slept, covering us up with blankets. I only wished there was more I could do.

  After about thirty minutes, San woke up, stirring a little.

  "...Wooyoung?" His voice was hoarse.

  "I'm right here." I said softly, playing with his hair gently.

  "What do I do?" He asked, he sounded so sad.

  "Just give him some time." I said. "Give them some time. Maybe they just need a little space. You're their kid, they love you. It'll be okay."

  "You're the only one that matters right now." San whispered, putting his head on my chest again. "You're the only one I care about. You're still here."

  "I'm not going anywhere, San." I whispered. "I'm always going to be right by your side. I'll be right here."

  San clung to me, wrapping his arms around me tightly. I heard another sniffle come from him, and a tear hit my shirt.

  "I'm right here." I whispered. "I'm always going to be right here."

  I held San as he started crying again. I played with his hair gently, holding him close.

  "I'll always be right here."

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