Chapter Six: Anger and Revenge

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  I was woken up in the morning but Jongho shaking me awake. "I found the company. I found it!" He shook me awake. "Wake up! I found the company!"

  I sat up, running a hand through my hair.

  "Show me. Please." I said, rubbing my eyes.

  Jongho sat on my bed, holding his phone out.

  "Look. This is the logo I saw. I looked for all the local sites, they have some that are active. But there's ONE that's not. There's one that got shut down. It's empty. Abandoned warehouse kind of empty. That would be the perfect place to keep Mingi."

  I looked over what Jongho had found. 

  "Yeah." I nodded. "You're right. That looks like the place."

  I got up, stretching a little.

  "I'm gonna work on a plan. We have to get in there and find him." I went to my computer.

  "Joong, I got sent another link!" San came bursting into my room. "Jongho? Oh. Hi. Umm. Here. We got another link." 

  San came over, holding his phone up for us to see. Mingi was curled up on the floor.

  "I can't do this anymore..." A small whisper came from Mingi. "I'm sorry..." 

  My heart hurt so badly hearing Mingi so weak and upset. 

  "I'm so tired..." Mingi sobbed. "I don't want to do this anymore. Please come find me. I can't take this anymore!"

  "Look at what's happening to your friend." Mingi's kidnapper was taunting us. "Look at how much he's suffering. Because of all of you. Because you won't come find him. This is all your fault! He's suffering because of all seven of you!"

"Please just come find me..." Mingi begged. "Please, get me out of here!"

  The feed cut out a few seconds later.

  "We're gonna find you, Mingi." I said softly. "I promise. We're gonna find you."

  I sat at my computer, looking up what I could about the warehouse Jongho had found. I spent most of the day at my computer, trying to come up with a plan. Something, anything that would get us a step closer to finding Mingi.

  "Tomorrow night." I said, stepping into the living room. The other members looked up at me.

  "What?" Yunho asked. "What are you talking about?"

  "We're going to find Mingi tomorrow night." I said. "We're going to bust him out of there."

  "You... You really finished your plan?" San asked softly. 

  "I did. Now we just have to get ready for it." I nodded.

  "Tell us what to do." Seonghwa said, standing up. My normally soft and sweet oldest member looked like he was ready for anything. 

  The others stood up, looking at me with the same looks on their faces. They were ready to fight back. They were ready to help Mingi.

  "Okay." I nodded. "Let's do this. Yunho. Remember the thing you've always wanted to do, but I gave you a HARD no?"

  Yunho looked up at me with a glint in his eye.

  "Are... Are you serious?" He asked. 

  "Take Wooyoung and San with you. Only make  a few. But yes. I'm serious." I said, giving him a little smile.

  Yunho grabbed Wooyoung and San's arms, pulling them both out of the room.

  "...What did you just give him permission to do?" Yeosang asked.

  "Make molotov cocktails." I said, a small grin on my face. "If we have to burn the place down, we will."

  Jongho started laughing hysterically.

  "Jongho. Yeosang. I need both of you to get thhe stuff on hit list." I handed over a piece of paper to them. "Let the others know too. Seonghwa, you come with me."

  Seonghwa nodded, and followed me to my room. I took a deep breath once the door was closed.

  "You okay?" Seonghwa asked. "I know you've been trying to hold everything together."

  "Yeah." I said softly. "I'm okay. But I- I need to talk to you. We're the oldest. You and I will have to lead this."

  "Meaning you and I are going to be the ones to actually go after the kidnapper." Seonghwa said. "While the others focus on Mingi."

  I sighed, but nodded.

  "Yeah. I don't like putting you in this position, but I wouldn't have any of the other boys do it." I told him. 

  Seonghwa shook his head.

  "I get it. I'm not upset." He told me. "I'm with you all the way. I have your back, Hongjoong. I'm going to go check on the others."

  I nodded, sitting on my bed. I needed a few minutes to myself.

  By the end of the night, we had everything ready. Everything was set up in backpacks by the door.

  "Let's all get some sleep." I said, ushering all my members to bed. I curled up in my own bed afterwards.

  We were all ready to go. Now we just had to wait.  

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