Chapter Five: Giving Up

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  I didn't want to move, my arm hurt too much. I was dizzy from the pain. I sat up slowly, taking a deep breath. I looked around, seeing if there was anything I could use to keep my arm straight. I managed to find a couple pieces of metal rebar that were short enough, and an old roll of duct tape. I wrapped the duct tape around my arm, using the rebar to keep it straight. It wasn't perfect, but it would have to do.

  I stood all the way up, looking around the room I was in. There was only a tiny window, but the light told me it was daytime. What day, I wasn't sure. The window was too small for a person to fit out of, so I knew that wasn't an option. There was only one door, the one with the camera. And I knew it was bolted shut.

  I pulled at the collar on my neck, but it wouldn't budge. I sighed. "Hey!" I called. "Asshole!"

  "Do you want me to come in there again?" My kidnapper asked. "I'm getting really tired of your shit. Just shut up until I'm ready to send another video to your friends."

  "I'm not just going to sit here silently!" I argued. "I don't exactly want to be here!"

  I heard a beep and the collar went off, shocking me again. I dropped to the floor, landing on my arm. I couldn't even cry out, but my arm exploded in pain.

  I curled into a ball as the collar stopped. I cradled my wrapped up arm against me. I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't be strong anymore. I started crying, hot tears falling down my cheeks.

  "I'm sorry..." I mumbled.

  "If you want to be sorry, sat it to the camera." My kidnapper growled. "I'll turn it on if you want. Let them see that you're falling apart."

  I heard the beep of the camera starting to record.

  "Well?" My kidnapper said. "Show them. Show your members that you're giving up."

  "I can't do this anymore..." I whispered. "I'm sorry..."

  I couldn't stop the tears. My arm was throbbing, my head hurt, my neck constantly felt like it was on fire. And I was so, so tired. I hadn't slept in a long time.

  "I'm so tired..." I sobbed. "I don't want to do this anymore. Please come find me. I can't take this anymore!"

  "Look at what's happening to your friend." My attacker said, taunting my members. "Look at how much he's suffering. Because of all of you. Because you won't come find him. This is all your fault! He's suffering because of all seven of you!"

  "Please just come find me..." I begged. "Please, get me out of here!"

  I was cold, and tired, and hurting, starving. I didn't want to fight anymore. I couldn't fight anymore. I curled up tighter, and shut my eyes. Sleep took over, and I fell asleep. I couldn't stay awake anymore.


  I woke up later to the sound of the door opening. I sat up, scared that I would be face to face with my kidnapper again. A tray of food was shoved through the small opening in the door, and the door shut again.

  I was terrified to go anywhere near it. I didn't trust it. My stomach growled loudly, but I shook my head. I wasn't about to eat anything that came from him. I'd rather starve. I scooted away from the food, backing myself into a corner.

  "They'll find me..." I whispered to myself. "They'll find me..."

  I only wished I actually believed it.

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