Chapter 28

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Back at the school, Vivian didn't find my trip to town funny. It dawned on her that she would have to return to the grade-twelve students. Seeing how sad she looked, I thought of calming her nerves.

"I know you can handle them well. You just need some few days to get used to the new topics. You'll be fine."

Her eyes turned red as I showed her my ticket. She left me feeling emotional too. But I wasn't going away right then; I still had a few days left.

The trip to town exhausted me; so I decided to tell the students I won't be making it to their class later in the day.

"Afternoon classes will no longer hold. What's left of the syllabus will be covered in the morning classes."

The students banged on the desks and squealed in all languages. They prattled as if in a market place. The girls thought it was because of the scheduled daily visits to my place. Well, they got that right. I returned home after walking out of their class.

While I waited for my students to show up, the likely consequences of their visits flushed through my mind. Hobnobbing with my landlord's daughters looked quite different from inviting my students' home. "What if the principal finds out?"

Maria had already assured me the principal wouldn't be in the loop of things. She even mentioned that the hut where I stayed had been home to a part-time teacher in the past. Definitely, the girls were used to dating their teachers. That no one had been punished for it meant one could get away scot-free.

For a moment, the whole idea of having them come around to my place sounded funny. Back in my high school days, my female classmates never attempted such; at least not to my knowledge. Things had really changed in high school these days.

I recalled that Andrew and crew had foretold that the girls would come for me. I could still dissuade them from coming here if I wanted to. Or better still, I could walk away to the soccer field. Meeting my absence would give them the notion that I wasn't up for the game.

But since Andrew and others did it without hassles, there should be no cause for alarm. Even Pumlani did the same far away in his station.

I believe it was part of the benefit of being in Port-Elizabeth. The name of the place even had Elizabeth in it. Why should I not enjoy the 'Elizabeths'?

They all appreciated my effort in the school, so this one flaw of mine shouldn't be the reason they will turn against me. After all, I didn't have to force the girls. They willingly wanted to be with me.

At about 4: p.m., I heard knocks on my door. When I opened up, Maria and Aphiwe stood there smiling.

"Come in, please."

As soon as they got in, Maria started clearing out the books on my bed. She then straightened the bed sheet, sat on it and encouraged her friend to join her.

No point pretending that I didn't know what they wanted. Having worked hard for three weeks or so, my rewards (or do I say my booties?) had started coming in.

Shirt off, I dropped my shorts and the girls jumped up in surprise.


What was on display between my legs was of a different dimension from the ones they were used to. Even bold Maria made for the door.

"Why are you running away? Didn't you say you can handle what a grade-eleven student can take? Come back here."

With subtle cajoling, seasoned cavorting and cautious caressing, we settled for the business of the evening. One after the other, they got their uniforms off and entered the arena.

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