Third Wheel

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Hilcias' Bachlorette Party
Classics Bar , NYC

"Wow, Hilcias! Remember in high school when you and Peanut were just fooling around? " I laughed.

"Yeah haha! And remember....when-When-you... were...with-uh.... Xavier! And now-"

The smile quickly faded off my face.

Jasmin just sat there quietly.

"Remember when you were with Nahsir but you were obsessed with Jacob? Now look who's married!" I teased Jasmin.

"3 years next week of marriage." She replied modestly.

"Terriyona we used to think you'd be such a thot!" Hilcias chimed in.

"I miss the single days but Leke and I are getting engaged!"

"Congrats!" I said, faking a smile.

I heard squeals as all of the kids I had been with through Middle School and High School conversed about their new kids and husbands, wives and engagements. But where was I in the mix? No where. But of course, my front was up. I wasn't going to sulk and let people see me without my confidence.

The rest of the night was a drag, though. I sat in the corner sipping a martini that was disgusting but drank it anyway to seem mature. I mean , I was 22.

22. Still living with my parents. Don't get me wrong, I make $60,000 a year from my job. I went to college. Made good choices, didn't do drugs. But I just never had any luck with guys. I've had my share of dates but never any one I really wanted. My friends constantly told me I was gorgeous. But you could say I was clingy, stuck up and very jealous when it can to guys. Basically, I'm living with mom and dad cause I'm lonely. I never showed anyone that side of me though. I was always known as the tough one in my circle of friends. I wasn't popular and that's also one of the reasons boys weren't attracted to me.

I drove home by myself. By the time I got there it was 11. Surprisingly, my mom was still awake but my dad was knocked.

"Hey sweets. How was the party?" She asked, enveloping me in her embrace.

"I guess you could say fun. I was kind of upset that everyone else had a husband or boyfriend and kids while I was kinda like the 3rd wheel. "

I sulked. My mom and I had always been close since birth. She was my best friend in elementary school. Being an only child, many people would say I was spoiled, but even in middle school, I still was close as ever to my mom. Meanwhile, my girlfriends would talk about how much they despised their moms, etc, I couldn't say anything because my mom was everything to me.

"You'll find someone. Trust me, it's just that your time hasn't come yet. God has someone for everyone. You're still young, hun. If you haven't forgotten, you're younger than most of the girls in your circle. You went to college early. Besides, that's all in the past. High school is over." She caressed my hair. "Go to sleep so we can wake up at 8. There is an apartment showing in your price range."

"Mom, I don't want to move out. I love it here." I whined.

"Hun, you can't complain about wanting to find a love, while living with your parents." She chuckled.

"Okay." I shrugged, kissing the top of her head and heading off to bed.



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