Chapter 58: We have a Situation!

Começar do início

He pulls me close. His face is bright, mine is. He keeps tugging and soon, we kiss. I am caught off guard and tense. I push away and puke. He didn't even flinch. This is unlike him. I tear my scarf out of his grip. He stares at me. The kitchen door opens.

"Hey, Ink? We have a situation so Reaper and I are gonna investigate. We'll be back."Geno says

"Okay, have fun!~"I say teasingly

"It's not that kind of situation."Geno tells me, then leaves before I can ask

"So, you're Ink?"Error says

"Yes. You of all people should know."I say

"Wow. Master will be proud. You're coming with me."He says, taking a mask off to show someone unknown

They grab my arm and next I know, I'm out cold.

Two hours later, Dust's POV

"We're back!"Geno says

"Welcome back..."I say as I look around for Ink and Error

"Dust! Hey! How you doing? What kind of mood are you in? Do you have any weapons on you?"Reaper asks

"I'm doing good....A good one....Not yet, why?"I ask, looking at him suspiciously

"Good, so you won't hurt us as much as you would in a bad mood."Reaper says

"What are you talking about? Have either of you seen Ink and Error? Or at least his brother?"I ask

"Error and Ink are probably kissing in a closet or something."Reaper says

"E!Pap is probably working on a photo album."Geno says

"Ah okay. I'll go find them."I say

Reaper blocks me with his scythe.

"Dust, we need to talk."Reaper says

"It's about Blue."Geno says

"W-What is it?"I ask

"We...have a situation with him."Geno says

"He's on the list."Reaper says

"W-What?"I ask

"I'm so sorry, Dust..."Geno says, handing me a scarf

Blue's scarf. I realize what they're trying to say. I look at them, shocked. I want this to be a joke. Neither of them were lying or joking with me.

"D-Does his brother know?"I ask

"We already told him. He's going to give Nightmare a bad time."Geno says

"Is he the one responsible?"I ask

"We don't know."Reaper says

"I have to go, cya."I say, clenching the scarf and lifting my hood.

They let me pass and I walk outside. I tuck the scarf in my pocket. I look up, then down again. I sit down at the front steps. I break down, crying. Blue is gone! I couldn't protect him! He's dead! Another beloved one gone. Taken from me and all I did was nothing. I'm so stupid! I sit there, crying without seeming to stop. Then, I hear wings flap. I look up. My crying lessens. This can't be real....

 This can't be real

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ErrorInk:To Be Enemies Or Not To Be EnemiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora