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"I'm the new kid in school and everyone keeps paying me a bunch of attention except for you why don't you like me and why do I care that you don't like me?"

"My assigned seat is way too far away from yours so I always talk to the people next to me hoping that the teacher will move my seat closer to yours"

"I never bring a pencil to this class because I love it when you offer me your spare one but secretly I have like 20 pencils in my locker"

"First day of school and wow that kid is cute I've never seen them before they must be new oh apparently that's the teacher"

"The person who sits at this desk during third period always writes cute little messages on the table for me to read when I sit down in 4th period who is this mysterious stranger?"

"School dances are lame I'm definitely not going oh what's that you're going to be the dj well then I better find something to wear"

"I've just done that stupid 'drop all your books in front of your crush and see if they come help you pick them up' thing and you just stared at me like I'm an idiot how rude but joke's on you because the person who did come to my rescue is way cuter than you and I think I'll be dropping my things around them more often"

"We have to give speeches today and the teacher is about to randomly select someone to go first and you look really nervous that they'll pick you so I'll volunteer to go first so you won't have to you can thank me later"

"Oh you didn't do the homework assignment don't worry you can take mine and replace my name with your name it's fine I'm doing really well in this class anyway and I don't want you to fail"

"I have a crush on this person who is on the basketball team and they just invited me to come watch one of their games ummmm do they not realize I'm in the marching band and I've been in the stands for every single game this season?"

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