Interesting Character Flaws

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aimless - which is kind of hard to work with in a story sense but i think its something i can relate to on a personal level and i really enjoy it when authors can nail this character type while also pushing the story along.

anxious - in a nicely portrayed way that doesn't detract from a character's worth, especially when their friends actively help them out.

bad habit - especially if they're the kind that are commonly seen as gross or unhygienic, but i think that's just normal and people find their habits embarrassing. can't have perfect characters all the time and you can't tell me some of you haven't like,,, farted out in public or picked your nose or something.

flirt - i cannot for the life of me stand secondhand embarrassment, but sometimes i'll read it anyway and nothing gives me that more than being a really bad flirt, especially in times where flirting just shouldn't even be a thing.

humorless - that awkward feeling when you just don't understand a joke or you don't find it funny so the people around you awkwardly laugh.

klutzy - and i don't mean the cute "oops i tripped" kind of clumsy, i mean the "shoot, i just dropped our important project for this one class that accounts for half our grade and broke it" kind of clumsy.

superstitious - to an extreme, like, maybe to the point of making them second guess something really important they have to do.

begging for attention - not in a desperate way but, like, being disappointed when no one listens, trying to be cool or to fit in (which we all do, honestly), telling stories a little bit more dramatically than actually necessary.

failure - there is nothing you can do, sometimes things just don't work out. sometimes you're just too late or you just didn't know whom to talk to or where to go. eventually everything will work out but until then there are missed buses and trains, false friends, and broken promises.

pessimism - maybe you don't believe in the good in people. maybe you've been rejected one too many times. maybe it wasn't you friendzoning them but the other way round. maybe you don't want help.

quick tempers - and they try so hard to manage it, but they say things they don't mean and hurt people over it. this can also often result in impulsive decisions.

holding grudges for a long time - because they just can't forget or forgive what's been done, even if it was a tiny mistake that shouldn't even be on their mind anymore.

bad liar - even at times of great need, there's always something that gives them away.

brilliant & lazy - you know those geniuses who are so much better at a thing than you are and they do absolutely nothing with it, which is frustrating in an envious kind of way (even if they aren't obligated to do said thing)? characters like that are interesting to explore.

indecisive - they just can't decide what they like or what they want. especially when it comes to matters of the heart. they second guess themselves so much, they might miss important opportunities.

can't keep a secret - and half the time they don't even mean to blurt it out, it's just on the tip of their tongue. or even, they were too excited to keep it to themselves. maybe they just find it disloyal to their closest friends to keep secrets from them.

constantly thinks out loud - and completely shameless about it, even if something they said might have been private or best kept to themselves.

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