dark/creepy dialogue prompts

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There was nothing. Nothing except darkness and the scent of blood drifting on the cool autumn air.
This is why they warned against telling ghost stories at the camp.... especially on the night of July 23rd.
The face staring back at her, and every other face in the crowd, she recognized it. It was her own.
"There's nothing left down there 'cept old bones and lost souls."
Every night at midnight sharp, the symbols appeared on the wall in black ink.
There was never anything there, but the cat always hissed at the door at the same time every night before running off as though something had frightened it terrible.
"Once you see her, you're already dead. So if you say you saw her, I believe you, but that isn't good news."
"Just watch. Something that doesn't quite belong will make itself known to you soon enough. When it does, erase it."
"No one has gone that way since my daddy was a kid. Most say the old town is deserted; a true ghost town. But folk that been around here a good while will tell ya something different. There's demons there. It's a town full o' demons."
"I know because I saw you."

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