Writing Deaf Characters: Speech is Speech

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• You may have heard that "deaf" is a slur and you should use "hearing impaired". Don't. I've never met a deaf or hard of hearing person who believed that. Use deaf for people who are deaf, and Hard of Hearing (HoH) for people who lack hearing. These can be interchangeable depending on the person. This is why sensitivity readers are a useful part of the beta process.

• Sign language is incredibly varied. It developes in the same way as spoken language. Fun fact: in BSL there are at least half a dozen ways to say bullshit, my favourite of which is laying your arms across one another with one hand making a bull's head sign and the other hand going flat, like a cowpat. It's beautifully crude, and the face makes the exclamation mark. Wonderful.

• There are different sign languages. Knowing more than one would make a character multi or bi-lingual, even if they are non-speaking.

• Makaton is basic sign language used by children, and it mirrors the very simple language used by toddlers.

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