Character Ideas

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• They had fallen to Earth and fitting in was so much harder than they ever imagined.

• She wrote her own books about werewolves, without giving too much away. She couldn't stand lies about her species.

• Being immortal was a curse, but he never saw it that way. He had infinite time to do just about anything he'd ever wanted to do and he met amazing people on the way.

• "You don't owe me" meant nothing to someone who felt like they owed everything.

• She liked to dress in old Victorian dresses and pretend she was back home, in her era, but that was the furthest from true she'd ever get.

• He skipped around through the rain, leaping off the sidewalk to jump into the puddles gathered at the side of the road. He shouted for joy every time he got covered in the water he splashed onto himself.

• Their fingers rolled the ring back and forth in the center of their palm, lips down-turned in a contemplative frown.

• When they freed the fae from the trap, they had no idea they were inviting them into their life.

• When she held up a hand to her mouth when she laughed, it wasn't because of low self esteem- she merely wanted to hide the sharper than average teeth.

• He was covered head to toe in glitter, an expression of rage on his face.

• When you're so low on the food chain of demons, one finds that they can whatever without any consequences, as long as they don't get caught. Which is exactly what they find themselves doing; getting caught.

• She loved how they looked in the multicolored fairy lights, how the lights passed along their cheeks. They were beautiful all the time, but right now? Right here? There were no words.

• They were born to be a leader and a winner, but their ego got in the way sometimes.

• They hated keeping secrets, but if their friend knew what they were, they didn't think their friend would let it go. Normally, they never got along with hunters, but..this was an exception.

• She liked horror movies and would often drag her cowardly friend along, if only to watch them hide behind their hands.

• Becoming a wanted criminal in space was a complete accident. Even he didn't know the full story and he was, in his opinion, the victim of it.

• She wasn't afraid to get hurt if she had something to get done. She'd roll up her sleeves and get right to work.

• She liked kids, from afar. The thought of ever having them herself made her uncomfortable on some sort of personal level.

• They appeared in a flash of bright purple light, in the middle of the living room, tripping over an abundance of pillows nestled on the ground. They hit the floor with a startled shout.

• She flicked a hand and they watched as the hijab's patterns changed. If they looked closer, they could see a bird flying about on the fabric. 'Is that proof enough?' indeed.

• "We aren't like you humans- our love, our genders, our everything," they said, with a timid smile.

• She kicked her feet up onto her girlfriend's lap, wings uncomfortably pressed against the armrest of the couch.

• They looked up at the sky, eyes blinking when rain got too close. They had forgotten how long they've been standing there.

• She liked filing her nails into points; it made her feel dangerous.

• She was a frequent customer of antiques and liked coming to the small crowded one downtown. She even knew the owner personally.

• She liked to play match maker, because even if her relationships never turned out so good, she could make other people happy and that was just as fulfilling.

• She flashed a cocky smirk towards her audience, placing a firm foot onto her skateboard, flashing the peace sign. Her defeated opponent walked away, but not before congratulating her.

• Paint splattered across the floor in their frustration. As they stared at the mess, they had an epiphany. They slapped their hands into the puddle of paint and turned to their canvas in excitement.

• They pressed their fingers against the tombstone, marveling over the strange symbols. When they seemingly flashed in the light, they jolted back and watched in fear as the ground shook.

• As her fingers flit across the keyboard, other hand tapping aggressively at the mouse, she found that she was perhaps too good at what she was doing. She loved it, especially when she listened to the whining in her ears from the defeated and the encouragement of her team.

• She wasn't academically smart by any means, but she could solve any strategy or puzzle that landed in her lap.

• They trailed through the abandoned building with a camera in their hand as they explained the history of the place, unaware of the watchful hidden eyes following their movements.

• "What is happening to me?" He asked himself as he peered at the feathery patches on his back in the mirror, head turned to view over his shoulder. They certainly hadn't been there a week prior.

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