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Try writing your characters into these classic high school scenarios:

(These are particularly fun if your characters aren't in school anymore or didn't know each other yet in high school)

Person A is the cool kid in school who hosts all the parties and Person B is the weird kid that has like no friends but is still somehow always at the parties. At one of these parties, a group of people are playing Spin The Bottle and Person B doesn't want to participate. Person A makes fun of them and pressures them into joining the game. Person B spins the bottle and it lands on Person A.

Person A and Person B are always passing notes in class but because of the seating chart, they have to pass their notes to Person C to get them to each other. Person C doesn't mind to pass on the notes, but not before opening them, reading them, and adding in their own silly doodles/commentary.

Person A's friends go to every single football game because they all have a crush on the quarterback. The only reason Person A goes with them is because they secretly have a crush on Person B, who is the tuba player in the marching band.

One day while taking a test, Person A notices that Person B is cheating by looking over at their answers. Instead of getting mad and telling the teacher, Person A feels sorry for them because they realize that Person B must be struggling in that class if they're cheating. Person A confronts Person B after class and offers to tutor them. Person B breaks down and apologizes and gladly (almost desperately) accepts Person A's offer.

Person A is always getting 1-hour after school detentions for stupid little stuff like late assignments or being late for class. Person B has a crush on Person A and wants an excuse to spend more time around them so they attempt to do something small that will get them into detention, but their punishment ends up being something worse like an out-of-school suspension.

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