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Person A is dancing around the house in their underwear when Person B comes home earlier than they said they would.

Person A and Person B having a guilty-pleasure tv show that they watch religiously together every week but keep secret from their other friends

Person A having pizzas delivered unaware that Person B has also ordered pizzas and both of them bursting into laughter when two pizza delivery people arrive at the door.

Person A comes into the living room / lounge gagging and asks Person B "What's that smell?" and it turns out that Person B had just lit their favorite scented candle.

Person A's bedroom is a lot closer to the internet router that Person B's room so Person B is constantly coming in there to try and get a better wifi connection.

Person A and Person B leaving little notes around the house for each other to read (Ex: "Went to the store. I'll be back soon" "We're out of bread, can you get some?" or "Happy birthday, hoe")

Person A has friends visiting and keeps asking Person B to come hang out with them but Person B is too shy to come out of their room even to get food or go to the bathroom.

Person A wakes up in the middle of the night to a loud crash and is really scared that there's an intruder in the house but it turns out that it was just Person B falling down the stairs.

Person A is still awake when Person B comes stumbling through the front door after a drunken night out so Person A gives them a glass of water and helps them to bed.

Person A has been in their room for a while blasting a bunch of sad / emo songs on their speakers and Person B comes in to ask if they're okay.

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