Chapter 23 "The Party Part 2"

Start from the beginning

Sam:Peter! How dare you run off like that!? Don't you know how worried MJ was!? You nearly gave her a heart attack for disappearing!

Peter:Uh sorry?

Sam:Say that to MJ. And who's the cute guy next to you?

Peter:Oh he's Andrew

Andrew:You can call me Andy

Peter:He's transferring to our school next semester

Sam:Oh...well he's cute so he'll fit in


Peter:Where's everyone else?

Sam:Looking around the party for you! I had some suspicions of you being up here and it turns out I was right

Peter:And Danny?

Sam:He's with Ava, you nearly gave him a heart attack as well


Sam:Well I'll contact everyone else to meet us near the staircase of the first floor before MJ calls the police*he then took his phone out and started walking back from where he came as he started texting the team while Andrew and Peter were following from behind*

Andrew:Sounds like your friends care about you a lot

Peter:Yep, they care about me a lot that it annoys me, they treat me like a baby

Sam:You are a baby Parker*he spoke out loudly as he kept walking forward*You always run off somewhere and get hurt

Peter:No one invited you in this conversation Sam

Sam:Whatever, I'm just telling the truth

Peter:Well as I was saying before some idiot interrupted me, then yeah, they worry too much

Andrew:It must be great having some friends that care about you, I don't really have a lot of friends, I only have Jennifer who cares about me

Peter:What about your parents?

Andrew:They're too busy with work, I don't really get a lot of attention from them

Peter:sorry I asked...

Andrew:Its fine. I at least have a roof over my head and food


Everyone was near the staircase of the first floor waiting for Sam and Peter to arrive as people walks past them. They then turned their head towards the staircase as they heard Sam call out and sees him run down the stairs with Peter and Andrew following behind him

Sam:Look who I found. They were making out on the fifth floor

Peter:Sam shut up

MJ:Petey!*she quickly ran up the stairs to Peter and she tightly hugs him as the others watched and Andrew smiles at Peter and he walks down the stairs*You nearly gave me a heart attack!*she then quickly pinches his ear with a glare*

Peter:Ow! MJ! I'm sorry! Can you let go of me now? We're not in elementary again!*MJ then had let go of Peter's ear as he rubs it then MJ crosses her arms then she turns her head in a sassy attitude*

MJ:Well your Aunt gave me consent to pinch you if you ever misbehave, so don't do that again

Peter:Fine I won't*he quickly gave her a glare then Harry walks towards him with his blue backpack in hand*

Harry:Here Pete, you left this*he hands Peter his backpack then Peter grabs it and he smiles at him*

Peter:Thanks Harry*his smile fades as he sees Danny beside Luke who had their backs against the wall then he walks down the stairs past MJ and Harry*Hey Danny, sorry that I wasted your time for worrying about me, you're mad aren't you?

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