fun fact 1 😆

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Yoongi Vs Jimin's tail

If yoongi could choose which part on Jimin's body he loves the most it would be his tail. That beautiful, slender, heaven covered with fur was yoongi's kink.

The thing is Jimin doesn't like it when people touch his tail.

Since it's his weak spot and he'll feel uncomfortable if it's touched.

But does yoongi care ABSOLUTELY NOT.

Any chance he got he would play with his tail and he especially loved squeezing it.

Today for example a normal Saturday morning. All three of them are sitting on the couch whether they were watching TV or looking on their phone. Jimin was lyiny down on the couch while on his phone minding his own business When it MOVED.

Yes Jimin's tail moved causing yoongi to focus his attention on it.

The way it moved without effort fascinated him. (AN: I don't know why though 🤣)

He tried to resist but he couldn't. His heart beat with delight when it swayed in the air.

He MUST touch it.

He WILL touch it.

And without warning yoongi grabbed Jimin's tail tugged it ever so harshly loving the feeling in his hand.

"YOONGI!!!!!!!" Jimin shouted in discomfort "LET GOOO!!!!!!!"


Yoongi began to rub his hand up and down watching how it easily moved through his hand.

And then he did the thing he loved the must. He squeezed it oh so tightly making Jimin scream and grip on to the couch out of pain.

"AHHHHHH!!!!!!! YOONGI L-LET G-GO!!!!!" Jimin pleads but his efforts are futile as yoongi squeezed even tighter.

"I SAID LET GO!!!" Jimin says as he brought out his claws and scratch yoongi across his face.

Yoongi immediately let go and held his face.

"Idiot!!!!" Jimin said running to his room.

Hoseok looks at him with a calm and relaxed face very much use to this behaviour.

Hoseok-"why do you do it when you know what's going to happen?"

Yoongi responses with a satisfied grin "because it's worth it" 😊

Hoseok shakes his head and continues to watch his show.

Mean while Jimin

Why does yoongi always do this?

What so great about my tail?

---------------------------------------------------------Jimin if only you knew.  (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ

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