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This is effectively a double story. Violet is in italics, Klaus is in bold. Bold italics are unison.


Time speeds up. There is no time. He has to find something he's read that will save them. They are speeding towards the edge of a cliff very fast. 

They are about to die.

Time slows down. She scans the caravan for supplies to slow them down. She has to invent something that will save them.

Or they will die.

"Klaus, get those hammocks off their bearings. I'm making a drag chute."

This is all she has to focus on. Make the drag chute. Save them.

This is all that he needs to focus on. Get the hammocks for Violet. Save them. 

He gathers the canvas cloths in his hands and wonders whether it will be enough.

"Thanks, Klaus." This has to be enough. Her invention has to work. She ties the hammocks together and ties it to a post on the inside of the caravan and...

"We're slowing down!" It's working.

It's working. They're slowing. But...

"It's not fast enough."  The siblings exchange panicked looks.

"Okay. We're going to grab anything sticky out of the fridge that you can find- honey, molasses, corn syrup..." Violet trails off. Her brain is working faster than her mouth and she has another idea. "No. I'll do that. You take anything long enough to reach the wheel and stick it in there." She takes jars out of the fridge and checks them, one after another, throwing jars to the ground because it was a mess or the death of her brother and herself.

Klaus pushes a table into the wheel closest to him. He can tell his sister has a plan and only hopes she has thought it through. He doesn't want to die. He doesn't want her to die. He sees her pouring a mixture of what looks like tar onto the wheel to try and get it to stick.

A crunch. A screech. They're slowing... they've stopped. The siblings embrace.



"We have to get out." They make the realization at the same time.

"Klaus, grab anything you can hold. We need materials if we even hope to get Sunny back."

"Got it."

A flurry of activity, a mad dash to get out of the caravan before they fall to their deaths. They scramble onto solid ground and then... a screech.... a crash... and...

"We could've just died." Violet collapses into Klaus's arms. 

"Sunny still might." The siblings look over the pile of assorted knickknacks, trash, and other objects they collected from the caravan, and then at each other.

"I love you, Violet."

"I love you too, Klaus."

Series of Unfortunate Events One-shots, What-ifs, and DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now