"oh," sicheng unconsciously replied. 'oh? really? stupid part 2' "you really don't have to do that..." sicheng blushes again. yuta is too generous, but sicheng could use that to his advantage right? no... he's not evil! right? he did have his eye on the new iphone, maybe he could do a little convincing.

they drove to the mall, having small conversations about life and told each other crazy stories from their childhood.

"...and then, i got frosting up my nose!" sicheng exclaimed which left yuta laughing hard. sicheng told a story about him trying to bake a cake by himself when he was three.

"you were quite the curious one when you were little, weren't you?" yuta questioned. sicheng nodded his head.

"do you have any funny childhood stories?" sicheng asked.
yuta's face turned pale. he tensed up in his seat, crossing his legs.

"well...." yuta let out, "not really..."
sicheng stared at the older.

"i had a pretty...extreme household. my dad has been my biggest fear since i was very little. he always pressured me and compared myself to him, calling me worthless if i didn't live up to his expectations. when i was 18 my mom died from cancer and my dad turned from bad to worse. he turned a little abusive and..." yuta stopped talking. he looked down, trying to hide his small tears.

sicheng felt so guilty for asking the question. he wanted to give him a hug, but his seat was too far away from him.

"wow... I'm sorry... do you have any siblings?" sicheng asked, attempting to be more selective with his words.

yuta looked up at sicheng, meeting eyes with him.
"well... yes, and no. i have a younger sister, momo, but... she's not really part of the family anymore. my dad disowned her."

sicheng gasped, putting one hand on his mouth, "oh my god i'm so sorry!"

yuta slightly smiled, "it's ok, she wasn't really a good sister either. she was 16 when my mom died and since then, she turned into a hoe and a partier and a druggie. she even works at a strip club now. when we were younger, we used to play together a lot. i miss those days."

sicheng thought to himself for a second, "do you guys keep in touch at least?"

"barely," yuta sighed, "shes... really homophobic and tried to strangle me when i came out. she went to juvie for that, just for a little though."

sicheng was speechless. he regretted even opening his mouth, now yuta is probably in a terrible mood. he tried to think of something to say to yuta to try to cheer him up a bit.

"hey," he let out, "im so sorry that you had a bad childhood, but that's in the past now. let's try to make your days even better, ok?" he enthusiastically smiled as he pumped his fist in the air.

yuta smiled a small smile, which grew bigger and bigger through each word sicheng said.

"thank you, beautiful. i really needed that," yuta replied back, kissing sicheng on the cheek.

'yes, it's working! wait, did he just call me beautiful?' sicheng awkwardly looked out the window, feeling flustered from the older's comment.

they finally arrived at the mall. it was one of japan's biggest malls and rumor has it, it takes 3 days to walk through the entire thing. it was on the news a couple of months ago that someone died while trying to walk the entire mall. no one knows how he died. creepy, right?

sicheng has been to this mall several times, but everything feels new all of a sudden. probably because he could finally afford to buy anything in the mall.

sweet like candy, yuwinWhere stories live. Discover now