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Im back ~ santa

It was Christmas eve 11pm. Yea, it was late af and Jimmy s t i l l wasn't home. Jimmy promised Leo that he would be home during Christmas eve and Christmas Day. But then Jimmy disappeared at 6pm without telling Leo where he was going. Jimmy was missing. 

Leo was worried about where Jimmy was and then she started suspecting that Jimmy is cheating on her.

Jimmy has cheated on her a lot. They never talk about it tho, but Leo suspects it.

Honesty tho, If you want a loyal husband who is a rock star, go for Charlie Watts or Jonesy but not Jimmy. 

Anyways, it was almost midnight and Jimmy still wasnt home. Leo gave up waiting for him and she finally came to the conclusion that jimmy was cheating on her, just great. Thats just fucking awesome, isnt it?

Then a few minutes later, someone opened the door. Leo got excited and thought it was Jimmy but it wasnt him

It was


Santa Clause....

Yes, Santa Clause was here. Not Jimmy. He had a white ass beard, red coat, and all that stuff santa wears. He left a trash bag full of presents on the table. Leo decided to come up with a way to get back at Jimmy for cheating on her. She grabbed the old guy, aka Santa, by his white beard and pulled him into a long kiss. 

She tasted his lips and realized that they tasted just like Jimmy's. and then she realized

This aint Santa

Its Jimmy Page

Jimmy Page dressed up as Santa Clause.

and since the writer of this one shit doesnt know how to end it without being awkward, she just ended it at this :')

The end

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