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(A/N lucky for you devyn in this book you'll be called 'Emily') YAYEET

It had been a hard day's night for Emily. Although she was used to it. Getting tormented by Hailey, Forgetting about good books that updated on WattPad, and she wasn't online much due to this. *cri*

Although she always had one person she loved. Samantha.

Devy- Emily adored Samantha. She loved her, she wanted to be with her.

Samantha on the other hand was thinking.


About sandwiches

S an d w i c h e s 


k i n k y s h i t

Emooly was an g r y so she made a love potion and put it in samantha's sandwich.

Samantha ate the sandwich and said "this tastes w e i r d"

and it did because the love potion tastes w e i r d. 

Then Samantha stood up but she fell

she fell

she fell

she fell in love

in love. 

Samantha was in love with Emily. She really was. She wanted to hug her, and cuddle her, and kiss her, and do many things with her and call her george. <3

Samantha went to Emily's house and left roses and note on her doorstep. The note said "I like you Emily. Would you be my wonderful gorlfriend?"

Emily woke up and walked out the next day and saw the note and flowers. She cried. She cried. and she cried. She was happy because the one she loves loves her back. She saw Sammy and ran to her and said , "I have been in love with you for a long time. I would love to be your girlfriend."

"awwww" Samantha said and they kissed. 

Meanwhile, jealous girl was in the corner and felt disgusted at this. Why? because she was s i n g l e and j e al o u s. But then the thunder hit her and she died so she cant ruin this ship.

This ship sialed and sailed and sailed until it hit an iceberg and they broke up because Emily became inactive on Craccpad. 


Thatts the end





*yeets myself out of 4th story window* ~ alex

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