->jileo: "Do you want to know a secret?"

18 1 0

Author: Teddy
Summary: Jimmy and Leo move into a new house after adopting twins. After a couple minutes of zero rest, Leo drags Jimmy out of bed and they dance quietly in the living room.
Warnings: also fucking fluff.


Leo's head was rested on Jimmy's chest. After a long and tiring day of moving boxes into their new home, it seemed hard to sleep. Jimmy was stroking Leo's knuckles gently as she tried sleeping.

Sighing, Leo got out of bed and pulled Jimmy out. "Love, there's only one way we can fix this restlessness." She said once he was out of the blankets. Taking his hand, she lead him out quietly into the main room. When they stopped at the record player, he knew what she was doing.

She flipped through the records before deciding on the Beatles, Please Please Me. It was her favorite album to dance to. Putting the record on, she turned the volume down low and put the needle on the eleventh track, Do You Want To Know A Secret.

When the music started to quietly play, Leo stuck her hand out to Jimmy. "James Patrick, may I have this dance?" She asked in a whisper. He giggled and took her hand.

"Of course, Laura Emily." He told her, grabbing her hand. They danced slowly to George Harrison's voice. "Do you want to know a secret? Do you promise not to tell?"

She quietly laughed when he had to bend down to rest his chin on her shoulder. "I'm in love with you." He sang along.

They danced together, pressing kisses against eachother, trying their best to keep quiet. Then, Kelly woke up, wondering where the noise was coming from. She tiptoed downstairs and stopped when she saw Jimmy dipping Leo, then kissing her neck. She rested her arms on the banister watching them dance in the room with only full boxes and records for decoration. She's never once seen them so in love.

When Jimmy pulled her up and spun her, then hugging her from behind, he kissed her head. Leo noticed Kelly and smiled. "Looks like we've an audience." Leo said, smiling as they swayed slowly to the silence.

"What do you mean?" Jimmy asked, his voice muffled from her hair. She reached behind her and gently lifted his face up. He smiled when he saw Kelly. "Hi darling, what are you doing up?"

"I heard noises and I was wondering what it was so I came down here." She quietly explained. "Don't worry, though. Buddy and Holly are still asleep." Leo smiled at the names they chose. Their middle names were even better. Chuck and Berry.

"Kelly, why don't you go up and try to sleep again?" Leo asked, Jimmy still swaying them. "I'll be up shortly to read a story."

Kelly nodded and went to her bedroom, leaving Jimmy and Leo. When they heard her door close, Jimmy kissed her neck. She then turned around and hung her arms around his neck, and kissed his lips, resting her head on his chest.

"When the night has come," Jimmy started singing. "And the land is dark and the moon is the only light we'll see. No I wont be afraid, no I won't shed a tear, just as long as you stand, stand by me."

"Jimmy, I've gotta go read a story-"

"So darling, darling stand by me! Oh stand by me-"

She cut him off by kissing him. Then she took her arms from around his neck and took his hands off of her waist. "I'll be seeing you later." She told him in a seductive-like tone, pressing a finger to his chest. He let out a laugh, grabbing her hand and placing a gentle kiss on it.

"Okay, go read your child a story now."

Ship OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora