➳ The Real Story OF MClennon

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I originally in wrote this on my Classic Rock Ships book back in February but im gonna post it here too :P ~ Jimmy


The Beatles had just finished performing "I want to hold your hand" on television. John felt a fire inside oh him while performing. He felt as if he were dedicating this to Paul, his friend who he had a crush on.

Paul was different, he was scared that the rest of the members will find out his true identy. He was actually a groupie who dressed up as Paul to get a chance to date John. Fake Paul is actually gay and he's a guy so it was easy to take over.
No Paul isn't dead, he's actually in hiding because fake Paul hid him. Real Paul was hidden to never be heard of ever again.
Meanwhile fake Paul, or just Paul, was winking at John. He wants John to fall in love but John doesn't need to do that since he's already in love. All he needs in courage to ask Paul out.

"Hey George, do you want to come to my house and make sandwiches with me?" Ringo asks awkwardly since John and Paul are watching.
TO!!!!" George screams and grabs Ringos hand and runs to Ringos soul kichen. Now John and Paul are alone.

" Do you want to cum together?" John says and starts feeling stupid
" what?" Asked puzzled Paul
"Imeandoyouwanttogooutwithme?"John says without pausing to take a breath.
" whoa man, slow down, can you repeat what you said SLOWLY?"
" oh fine *deep breath* Paul do you want to go out with me?"

Paul acts like a normal guy so John won't think he's weird but he's feeling wild on the inside. Like there's a party in his mind. It's not every day that your crush asks you out.
"Yes I would like to go out with you," Paul says trying not to go crazy.
"Cool pick you up at 6?"
"Ok and wear a dress and a wig," John says and runs out
" wait what??!!" Puzzled Paul screams but unfortunately gets no answer.
Ok, 😶😐

Why do I have to wear drag?, Paul thinks to himself and drives home because he realized that he's still in the studio😑

When he arrives he looks in his closet. No dress. He did find a wig so he picked it up but suddenly someone pulled it.
"LET GO OF MY WIG!!!" Paul screams
" Excuse me? This is my iconic wig from 20 years later," rogerina asks. Cool, Queen in a Beatles story.
" Yo fuck off to the future than!!" Paul says and kicks Rogerina out. He didn't know time traveling even existed.

But he still needed the wig and dress. He runs down to the basement where real Paul is in hiding.
"Paul, I need your help!!" Fake Paul cries
"Yo, no way in helping you! You locked me in here loser!" 😠 real Paul yells. You can't blame him, you'd be pissed off if someone hid you in a basement and dressed up as you.
"Help me!! I don't know what to do!!! John Lennon asked me out and-"
"John asked you out? Ok bye!!" Real Paul stands up and locks the basement so fake Paul can die.
"WAIT I. NEED TO TELL YOU SOMETHING!!!" fake Paul screams from the basement but gets ignored.

Paul dresses up in his best suit and sees Johns car outside his house. He smiles to himself but it fades when John asks, " Where is the wig and dress I told you to wear?"
"Wait what?"
"You promised to bring a wig and dress? You probably forgot but who cares? I have a better plan," John says and a wicked smile appears on his face.
John drives to the hospital and says, "Paul, you are getting plastic surgery"
"I am going to make a you a woman, I mean the doctor will"

Paul couldn't protest because the doctors and surgeons grabbed him and changed him into a beautiful Japanese woman who wears witch clothes.
When Paul came out, John got heart in his 4 eyes (since he has glasses) and decided to name Paul, Yoko Ono.

However the narrator is still going to call him Paul.

They drove home and John says," we need someone to replace your role in the band, can you go look for a person who looks like you and can play bass?"
"Yes let me look for them," Paul says remembering fake Paul who is in the basement.
"Really!!! Thank you!!!" Fake Paul runs out happily not noticing real Paul who was a woman.
The next day John decided to introduce real Paul to the band. Paul had to sing terribly so no one will discover his identity. But real Paul got jealous of fake Paul because Fake Paul would start flirting with John.


"John, you need to leave that band!!"
"Ringo George as fake Paul HATE ME!!" Real Paul screams .
"Well they suck"
"Thank you for taking shit about them," real Paul smiles and comes up with a genius plan. He'll annoy the guys in the studio and they be so annoyed that they'll leave the band and the Beatles break up!! Nice!! Paul you are so smart, he thought to himself

So everyday Paul would scream "JOHN!!" In his Yoko voice and laughed when the other guys got annoyed then the day he was waiting for finally came!!
"I AM SO SICK OF YOU UGLY WOMAN!!!" Fake Paul screamed angrily!
"DO NOT CALL HER UGLY!!" John gave fake Paul a death state and if looks could kill fake Paul would be dead.

And Real Paul (Yoko Ono) started the whole Paul is Dead thing to tear the Beatles apart. Remember, real Paul is jealous of fake Paul!!
" WELL IM SO SICK OF HER!!! I quit this stupid band!!" Fake Paul throws his bass on the floor (poor bass) making it break and left angrily. Real Paul smiled evily, his plan worked😈
"I quit too"
"Me too"
Starrison walks out the door leaving Real Paul and john.
"Who needs them? All we need is each other" John says and and makes out with real Paul.

A month later
Every Beatles fan is screaming as protesting. They are mad as angry about the Beatles break up. They never liked Real Paul as Yoko Ono, but now they hate him even more.
It's not like real Paul can just go out and say, "IM THE REAL PAUL MCCARTNEY!!" And everyone believes him. No it doesn't work like that!!!

"SATAN!!" Pol screamed.
"WHO CALLED ME????!!! I was taking a showe-oh hi Paul!"
"Hey satan help me kill everyone except John and the surgeons"
"Ok, here is a flying saucer, you can shoot lasers to terrify this town, don't worry the people you said will survive the lasers!!" Satan says and leaves.
Satan is so nice, Paul thinks to himself.

I am not satanic!!! ~ jimmy

Anyways back to Paul, he gets on his saucer and terrorizes the whole town throwing lasers at all the little people running around!!
"HA HA!! GET THAT HATERS!! I AM PAUL MCCARTNEY AND YOU GUYS ARE DEAD!!" Paul laughs and laughs and laughs laughingly.
Everyone dies except himself, surgeons, John, and one guy but no one knows him.

Paul has plastic surgery and goes back to Paul Mccartney and Lennon doesn't care if he's gay. No one can criticize him! 😉😈

They live happily until 1980 when a guy shoots John.

"WHO SHOT JOHN!!" Paul cries.
"Me!!" A guy says and Paul realizes that he is Keith Richards.
"You are going to die!!" Paul yells at Keith. Keith ignore him and starts smoking
"Yes Paul?"
"Do you have John Lennon?"
"Yes John is in hell why?"
"Can I give you Keith Richards and you give me my John back?"
"Okay man"Satan says and grabs Keith .
"HEY LET GO OF ME!! WE MADE A DEAL !!" Keith protests and gets thrown into hell.

John comes back and kisses Paul and they live together until satan chose to make them go to hell, hey at least they still together

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