39 | He Isn't Good for You

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Morgan nodded wordlessly as she wiped the countertops down with a little gray rag.

"Oh, come on," I whined. "You can't possibly be mad about yesterday, can you?"

The girl then hummed in response, and that made me want to put my head through the wall.

I love the girl to pieces, but it's always so annoying when she's being passive-aggressive.

"Look, I'm sorry, okay? I shouldn't have played you like that," I sighed, earning a subtle nod from the other girl. "I, uh, confessed to Eric last night."

Morgan finally stopped wiping and whipped her head in my direction, her eyes as wide as saucers. "Are you stupid?"

"Okay, in hindsight, I should've known he was gay—" I shrugged "—but, y'know, love is blind."

Just as Morgan was about to open her mouth to react, I quickly added, "Okay, not love exactly but something like it."

"Adds," she cooed, her brows knitted together in pity.

"I know—I'm pathetic," I let out a bitter chuckle. "So, we good?"

She grinned. "Yeah."

"Oh, by the way," I said, taking my phone out from my overcoat pocket, "I don't know if you've been on Facebook yet, but look at what I saw on my feed this morning."

I handed Morgan my phone which was opened to a screenshot of a post I saw on my Facebook newsfeed.

— morgan darhk, you may think otherwise, but you're my favorite

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— morgan darhk, you may think otherwise, but you're my favorite

73 likes 39 comments
Killian Adler
@Morgan Darhk minx 💅

Addison Hastings
That's my bestie!

Eric Carter
OMG @Morgan Darhk am loving this for you!

Hanna Abrams

I didn't need to feel it, but I knew Morgan's heart was bursting with joy, and her stomach was swarming with butterflies.

"I... I can't believe it," she said, breathless as she took my phone into her shaking hands. "Someone actually posted about me."

"Congrats, girl," I grinned, genuinely happy for my best friend. "I just wish I knew who sent the post in."

Morgan looked at me and slowly nodded. "I guess we'll never know."

"You think... You think it could be Trevor?" I wondered. Or maybe it was Archer... No, he wouldn't risk that... Would he?

Weirdly enough, she froze at the exact moment I mentioned Trevor's name, her entire body tensing up and her eyes suddenly finding the floor oh-so-very interesting.

"I... I don't know. I don't think so," she uttered softly as she played with her fingertips under the counter.

I scoffed. "Okay, M, what're you hiding?" I asked, eyeing her suspiciously. "What happened when you went over to his place?"

"I slept with Trevor."

I nearly choked on my spit.

"You—" I said, accusingly pointing a trembling finger at the girl "—had sex with Trevor Parks?!"

Morgan, understandably paranoid, grabbed my finger and hissed, "Yeah, say it louder for the whole café to hear!"

"No one's here, M!" I screeched. I shook my head. "Wow, I can't believe it," I said, ignoring her previous comment. "You must really love him to have given him your V card."

Morgan was clearly taken aback by my claim, which confused me profoundly.

"Did I say something wrong?" I asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"N-no," she stuttered. "Um, I forgot to mention... I was so... in shock... after my experience with Trevor that I... went over Collin's, and we cuddled..."

I blinked twice as I tried to comprehend what Morgan was trying to tell me. "You slut!" I laughed aloud, hitting the countertop as I burst into a fit of laughter.

"No, it wasn't like that!" Morgan panicked, her cheeks heating up.

After my laughter died down, I sighed, pretending to wipe an imaginary tear off my eye, "So, I guess you're not over the teacher yet, huh?"

To that, she furiously shook her head.

"You should keep some distance from Mr. Donavan, M," I advised. "He... He isn't good for you."

Before Morgan could reply, I immediately added, "I-I know I 'don't know him like you do' and can't 'dictate your life', but M, seriously, do you think what you're doing is smart?"

The girl fell silent, her eyes glued to the rag resting on the countertop. "I think I love him," she then muttered, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Are you hearing yourself?" I responded, trying my best not to sound like an overprotective mother. "He's just a crush! Nothing else! You're not lovers, not soulmates—nothing! It's just plain infatuation!" I drew in a breath, as if the next thing I was going to say would be utterly unbearable. "Maybe even a limerence."

Morgan chose to focus on wiping the countertop instead of what I had to say.

"Please don't be mad at me again, M," I sighed heavily. "Someone had to say it."

"Um, I really got to get back to work, Addie," Morgan finally said. "Do you mind?"

Ignoring the small pang of pain I felt at her obvious indifference towards me, I simply nodded and opted to get out of her way. 

"I'll see you, M," I said before leaving The Brew.

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