Chapter 24 - " I do care about you"

Start from the beginning

" who was that?" I asked before putting on the sweater I had in my hand. I looked back at Harry and saw a disappointed/sad expression as he looked down at my sweater. I looked down and realized why. This wasn't his shirt.

" what are you doing out here?" he asked as he looked away from my sweater.

" I asked you first" I pointed out knowing I sounded stubborn. Harry rolled his eyes and began walking away from me. He kept walked more and more away from the tour bus which only made me confused.

Immediately I ran after him. Here I was, chasing after him when I supposed to stay away from him.

" where are you going? It's midnight for crying out loud" I said after him. I caught up to him and tried to reach out to him but he only pulled away.

" then go back yourself" Harry rolled his eyes.

" are you bipolar?" I glared.

Harry ignored my comment and continued walking down the dark road away from the resting area.

" where are you going?" I asked as I continued to follow him. Getting off the tour with just tights and knit sweater felt like a horrible decision as the wind began to pick up.

" why are you even following me?" he questioned.

" making sure you don't do anything stupid" I said only to realize that I was the one in risk of doing something stupid.

" well you can stop babysitting me and go back to the bus, I'm just going to get a drink" Harry gestured towards an old beat down bar that was starting to come to sight.

I stopped frozen in the middle of the road just staring at Harry continue to walk. As soon as he noticed I was walking beside him anymore, he stopped too and looked back at me.

Harry hadn't been drinking in weeks, at least not that I knew of. It was after that particular call that made Harry want to drink.

" who called you Harry?" I pushed.

" Jess and that's all I'm saying" Harry simply said before turning back and walking towards the bar again. Instead of going after him, I stood there watching him walk away.

Something was up with him. Something that Jess told him. Jess and I were close but I don't think she would tell me something he wouldn't want me to know.

I stood there in the middle of the road, torn between going back to the bus and going after Harry once again. Maybe calling Carter one more time wouldn't hurt. Then I realized I didn't have my phone on me. Great...


I walked into the smoked filled bar with the intention of finding Harry. I probably should have gone back to the bus but I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep because of Carter. This was a one night distraction that I needed.

I finally made it to the bar seeing Harry sitting down on a stool with a bottle of beer in front of him. Taking a seat next to him, I grabbed his cold beer for myself. Harry took a glance at me and I couldn't help but see a little smirk in the corner of his mouth.

" that's mine you know?" he said with the same little smirk which only made me smile.

" I'm pretty sure you can afford another one" I raised my eyebrow and brought the bottle to my lips.

Harry looked away from me shaking his head with a smile, ordering another beer for himself.

I took a look around the bar and saw only older people. Most of them all looked like bikers which was intimidating and interesting at the same time. They weren't old but definitely above forty.

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