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*july 1, 2017*

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*july 1, 2017*

"hey dea...um....it's been a few days now. and i just wanted to call to check up on you. and to remind you that i love you no matter what happens and that you'll always be my best friend. please call me, i'd love to talk. umm...yeah. i'll see you."


"hey buttercup. it's me, gooby. i still haven't heard from you yet. and i'm just a little worried. and also bored. i never realized how much time we actually spent together and how much my life revolved around you until you weren't around anymore. and it's only been like three days. wow, i'm such a wuss. okay, umm...please call me. i love you. bye."


"hey, so umm...that new kingsman movie comes out in september and i think we should go see together. i know how much you like those movies so i think it'd be fun....anyways. call me please. i miss you. bye."

"you know, he's got some nerve." kirsten scoffs as she brushes my wet hair.

"it's fine." i shrug, placing my phone down on the vanity in front of me.

"except it's not. he knew you had feelings for him, and he used you to make him feel better about himself. i'm not going to downplay what he did. he took your feelings, and played with them in his stupid hands so that he could get an ego boost out of it. and i sweat that if i didn't work with him, i'd beat him....actually i might beat him even though i work with him." she sighs, parting my hair to start braiding.

i chuckle softly before reaching over to grab my phone again. checking the lock screen for any messages.

"what do you keep checking your phone for?" kirsten asks, peeking over my shoulder.

"well, i'm supposed to have auditions coming up soon and i'm waiting for daniel to call me with any openings." i sigh, putting my phone down in my lap.

"oh my god no way!" she squeals excitedly.

i glance down at my phone to see messages from my family group chat, the one without matthew in it, checking up on me to see how things were. my family and i were...fairly estranged. which was odd considering how close we all were with each other. my mother and father visited their children maybe once a year. they showed up for only the major ceremonies, that being graduations or awards. they showed up to concerts so long as i invited them and payed for their tickets, otherwise, i received a simple 'proud of you!' text after opening night. my siblings and i rarely visited each other outside of the holiday season when we all traveled home for christmas or thanksgiving, and that was if we traveled home. i loved my family, don't get me wrong, but we weren't the typically close knit family that some might think we were. that didn't mean none of us cared, we just understood that we had busy lives. and for the first time, my parents are official empty nesters, it only made sense to let them enjoy their alone time. as i'm sending a text, a group facetime comes through.

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