365 days times eight?

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*june 29, 2017*

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*june 29, 2017*

"are you here? please tell me that you're here."

"yes, gooby. i'm here. come get me please."

"i'm on my way, beautiful."

the phone clicks and a light blush covers my cheeks. we met eleven years ago and he still had this effect on me. i always had a gut feeling i'd fall in love with him. it's difficult not to fall in love with him. but what's more difficult, is trying to decipher his feelings. one moment, i'm thinking he might feel the same. and the next, he's telling me about a pretty guest star, forcing me to push my feelings further down and support him. he was my best friend, it's my job to support him. to be there for him. now i'm here, standing in the parking lot of the criminal minds set with a gift box in my hands. i had just gotten back from japan and was in back in LA for the last show of the michael jackson experience re-tour, and we had finished our last show on the asian leg of the tour when matthew asked me to come to a cast party with him. of course, i couldn't say no. not only could i see my goob in a cute little sweater vest, but i also had an excuse to come on set and see everyone. most of the previous cast stilled showed up to cast parties every now and then. so i knew shemar and thomas would be there, which made me excited. i see goob quickly approaching an excited squeal leaves my mouth before i run over to him, throwing my arms and my legs around him and koala hugging him. he wraps his arms around my waist and stumbles slightly before stabilizing himself.

"i missed you too, buttercup." he chuckles sarcastically, making me smile.

"i'm going to ignore your sarcasm and give you this." i smile, hopping off of him and handing him the box.

he raises his eyebrow as i place the box in his hands.

"is this going to explode?"

"not unless you want it to?"

"well that's boring. but i guess i'll open it."

i roll my eyes and he obnoxiously rips the paper apart, stuffing it in his pocket before opening the lid and gasping.

"you didn't. oh my gosh i severly dislike you."

"no you don't." i giggle as he pulls out the yellow kimono with intricate red floral embroidery over it.

"this feels expensive. was it expensive?"

"no." i shake my head, an obvious lie.

he smiles and wraps his arms around me, twirling me in the air.

"i love you!" he shouts, making a blush fall over my cheeks.

"i love you, goob." i say back as he sets me on the ground.

"i still think it sounds weird when you don't say too." he says as he slides the kimono on.

"well i don't like saying it. it makes the i love you statement sounds more like an-"

bad religion // m. gray gublerWhere stories live. Discover now