"Come lets go in" Calum lead the boys inside the room. "Yo it's emp.." Namjoon got cut as the floor started to go down. "Its a secret base!" Jungkook chirped as he clapped his hand on joy.

The wall on the back started to open as they entered a beautiful hall way. "Good afternoon sir!" a voice came out of no where. "Please ready the training rooms and the power house. And send some snacks and drinks please" Jungkook said. "As you wish sir." The voice said.

"What the hell just happened?" Jin asked. "Oh! The house can talk." Jungkook said as it was the most common thing in the world as he shrugged his shoulders.

The boys were going to speak again but stopped when they saw food setting on the table by itself. "Thank you!" Jungkook exclaimed as he lead the boys towards the table were the food were kept.

"Aren't you gonna join us?" Kelvin asked as the BTS members who didn't move a muscle. It was as if the entire world froze around them.

As they were brought back to the real world they settled down on the table. "I am still not used to this!" Yoongi spoke as the members agreed with him.


The test were tiring, but Jungkook figured out with member is capable of what. "At least you guys aren't useless as we thought." Calum said as he walked towards the exit with the rest of the boys.

"Great work today! From tomorrow you guys will be training separately and it would be tougher. So bear with me. You guys can quit any time you want to. But I would have to erase your memory. My first priority is keeping you guys and the people safe. So, Do. Not. Step. In. When. I. Am. Fighting. In. The. Field. Do. You. Understand?" Jungkook said. "Yes." Bts replied not wiling to go in the bad side of Jungkook. "Okay then lets go!!" Jungkook said as they returned home.

The members were all crowded inside the oldest room. "We need to talk." Namjoon said as all agreed as everybody settled down.

One needed to continue. But the topic was keeping them silent. They wish to speak freely, but nobody knew how they should start. The room had pin drop silent, which was driving the members crazy.

"So?" Jin started, no willing to stay in the silence more. "We all like Jungkook." Namjoon added. As all of them agreed towards the statement. There was a pause. "We need to work hard to gain his trust back. We need to spend more time with him, outside of training." Taehyung said. As everybody agreed towards it.

"So what are we going to do with Jungkook? Who's gonna keep him?" Hobi asked. "We need to spend more time with him, then let him decide." Yoongi said. "We can try to share him?" Jimin said.

"What do you mean?" Jin asked. "I mean, as we all like him and we all don't want to fight him, why don't we share him? Lets work on making him like all of us?" Jimin asked.

The room was once again silent. "Well it isn't a bad idea. But we need to let Jungkook decide what he wants. We cannot force ourselves on him." Taehyung said as they all agreed towards it.

"Let see where destiny leads us to." Namjoon said as all of them went seperate ways towards there room.

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♥️4.5 B | 💬5 B
Golden_kookie: These Hyungs came and disturbed my sleep 🥺

Load more comments:

jimochi:  But koo, you look so cuddly 😌

Sunhobi: And I needed a to join the hug, cannot be left out 😚

guccitae: I'm coming over😤

yoonkitty: ^

wwhJin: ^^

intellijoon: ^^^

Officialyugyeom: ^ Kookie they want a bonding moment, come with us so they can bond.



I feel like I haven't written since ages. sorry! There are to many assignments and school work. I am going crazyyy.

I Purple you guys
Thank you reading
See you guys soom❄️

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