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The trio exits the apartment together, heading for a walk down the block. The community park dedicated to littles was fairly close in comparison to others in the community. Lauren follows closely behind Miss Demi, the small girl bending down every so often to observe the plants, of course, taking pictures every so often. After each 'plant break', as she calls them, Lauren would scurry to catch up to Miss Demi and Camila.

"Camila, wait up! You can't cross the street on your own!" Miss Demi yells as she runs to grab Camila before the girl steps out into oncoming traffic.

"Can't catch me, Demi! You a slowpoke!" Camila giggles, running past and around the older woman.

"Camila, let's save some energy for the park." Miss Demi says as she snatches the little one up, tossing her over her shoulder. "Running around isn't safe when we're this close to traffic."

"Not fair! Lauren kept stopping and she coulda gotten lost!"

"I-But I wasn't running! Miss Demi I promise I wasn't, I swear!"

"Alright girls, that's enough. Lauren, Camila, I'm going to ask that you both hold my hand, okay? No one's in trouble, I just want to make sure you're both safe."

"Yes Miss Demi," both girls agree, but Lauren sulks softly to herself.

As they crossed the street Lauren saw a pretty succulent. The plant had a pretty flower on it and Lauren needed a picture, she wanted to find out what it was called. The flower, however, was unfortunately in the middle corridor of the road. Pouting, Lauren just trudges along with Miss Demi and Camila.

"Look it's the playground!" Camila squeals, pointing to the jungle gym up ahead. "Please! Miss Demi, can I run?"

"Go ahead," Miss Demi allows the girl to run up to the park.

Camila runs off, heading straight for the playground. A few little ones are running around, and Camila has no problem playing with new friends. Lauren keeps her hand holding Miss Demi's, letting the woman lead her to a bench near the play structure.

"You don't want to play, Sweetpea?"

"No thank you," Lauren shakes her head, playing with her hands.

"What would you like to do then?" Miss Demi inquires.

"I wanna take a picture of the succulent," Lauren says, gesturing to the plant they'd passed.

"In the street?" Demi observes. "I don't think that's very safe Sweetpea."

"But-" Lauren tries again.

"I'm sorry Sweetie, that's not going to happen." Demi tries to let the girl down gently. "What if we instead take a walk through the garden?"

"May I go alone?" Lauren asks softly, twiddling her thumbs.

"Do you promise to not leave the gate?" Miss Demi asks, skeptical. "I would want you to walk straight there and stay there

"Yes, Miss Demi." Lauren nods.

"Alright, keep an ear out in case I call you, okay?"

"Yes, Miss Demi," Lauren eagerly accepts, rushing off to the garden on the other side of the park.

At the garden entrance, Lauren pauses to look back. Sure enough, Miss Demi is watching from her bench. Lauren waves before slipping into the gated garden. The small girl disappears behind the large plants, so Miss Demi turns back to the playground.

On the playground, Camila quickly made friends with one of the other littles, Ariana. Together, Ariana and Camila were playing fairies. The two girls run around the playground with 'wands' tapping at random objects and saying, "Bippity Boppity Boo!". The game had no real purpose, but the girl

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