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Entering the Valderamma-Lovato residence Lauren is nearly tackled by Camila running at her. The little one is practically bouncing off the walls in excitement. Demi follows close behind, eager to see her neighbor, and husband of course. Though the test itself only took an hour and the drive altogether took another half-hour, Camila feels that she's been waiting for an eternity.

"Lauren and I were thinking a mall trip is in order," Wilmer starts. "I was thinking we could dinner and movie night too, what do you girls think?"

"Yes!" Camila cheers, already pumped up. "Movie night!"

While Camila is busy being overjoyed at the thought of a movie night with some of her favorite people, Lauren is dreading the event. For one, she's already embarrassed about her 'tantrum' earlier, and second, she doesn't want to watch Despicable Me for the millionth time. Plus eating dinner with Wilmer and Demi means that they're going to be together all day. Lauren wondered to herself why Wilmer didn't run the idea past her before presenting it as an agreed-upon plan. Then again, the stubborn man wouldn't have taken no for an answer from the freshly-titled 'little'.

"So how about we get Camila's stroller and then we all hit the road, yes?" Wilmer asks though he knows that no one will oppose his plans.

"Yes Sir," Demi instantly obliges. "I'll get my shoes, is there anything else I should bring, Sir?"

"Bring your tablet, in case the girls need some entertainment." Wilmer starts, "I also need you to change your outfit..."

The raven-haired girl takes the side conversation as her opportunity to head out to their apartment, of course with Camila just a step behind. The conversation between Wilmer and Demi made the girl cringe, Lauren recognized that Wilmer's 'domination' was based purely on Demi being a tool that makes his life easier. The girl didn't know exactly why she felt so strongly for Demi to be in a better relationship, but she wished she could help Miss Demi leave Meanie Wilmer. While Lauren continues lost in her thoughts, angry for Miss Demi, her regressed roommate follows, blissfully enjoying her game of 'step exactly where Lolo does' whilst humming to herself.

"Lolo, what was your test result?" Camila asks, less distracted now that her game has ended.

"I was told it's little," Lauren croaks at just above a whisper before clearing her throat and continuing, "but I'll be filing a petition first thing tomorrow. Remind me to fill out the paperwork later tonight?"

The brunette little takes a moment to process her roommate's answer. Both girls knew that this would change some aspects of their household, but now that it was here they had to fully sit with what this meant. Lauren holds her breath as she waits for Camila's reaction. Lauren's biggest concern is that her best friend would be mad at her, now that she won't be able to be her stand-in caregiver. And Camila's biggest concern was that she wouldn't be able to live with her best friend, period.

"I help, Lolo," Camila says enthusiastically, her voice high-pitched to match her regressed self. "You got me! I gonna help!"

"How is, and what is Princess Camzi gonna help Lolo with?" Demi hums, rejoining the girls where they now stand in their living room. "Anything I can do to help?"

Lauren steals a quick glance at Demi before she turns away blushing. Demi's bike shorts and baggy t-shirt have been replaced with matching black leather underwear. Though it's nothing new for submissives to wear minimal clothing in public, it still makes Lauren feel as if she's being disrespectful when she looks for longer than a few seconds.

"Lolo hasta fill out her 'etition forms. I gonna help!" Camila states proudly, her chest puffed and hands at her hips.

The raven-haired girl can't help but laugh lightly at Camila's enthusiasm. Wilmer suddenly walks through the front door and heads straight to the hallway closet where Camila's stroller is kept folded up. He effortlessly pulls out the stroller and unlocks the wheels to pull it behind him. The Latino is so in his own world that he's taken by surprise when he turns to find Lauren, Camila, and Demi all watching him.

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