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After the Littles R' Us trip, the group grabbed lunch at the food court. Wilmer made it known that Demi was in trouble by not so subtly scolding her in front of everyone. Then they disappeared into the family bathroom while the girls were told to finish up their food and not leave their seats. When the married couple returned the backs of the woman's legs were covered with new thin red lines and her eye makeup smeared.

"Demi is going to take our things out to the car. I'll walk you two girls out to the car in a bit." Wilmer states, not pausing for protests as he shoos his wife off.

Lauren goes to follow Miss Demi, trying to frantically gather her things but Wilmer is quick to stop her with a stern, "Sit down Lauren, Demi is already in enough trouble."

The last part leaves Lauren's conscious cloudy with guilt. She would have helped Miss Demi, but she doesn't even have the opportunity to do so. But also with those six words, Lauren knows she's the reason Miss Demi was just whipped in the family bathroom. The reason Miss Demi, who is not in the slightest a bad girl, got a whipping and she didn't even tell on the younger girl for actually breaking a rule.

"Get in your stroller Lauren," Wilmer orders as he ushers Camila into her own stroller. "I'm only going to ask nicely once."

Not wanting to cause any more trouble for herself and her neighbor, Lauren silently obliges. The green-eyed girl even does the clips herself, not wanting Wilmer to have that power over her. When he leans over to check Lauren's stroller straps his charger falls into the girl's lap. She locks eyes with him for a moment and he knows she put the clues together.

"You're a mean man," Lauren says, keeping her voice calm. "And you know you are." She hands the charger back to him.

The man scoffs, shaking his head at the girl. Speechless, he stands to his full height and stuffs the cable back in his pocket. Feeling bigger than the girl he smirks, "You don't understand that Demi's a rebel, she does things to get a reaction out of me. Don't go getting my girl in trouble."

He pushes the girls out of the mall and receives praise from on-looking strangers. 'What a good man, they don't make dominants like him anymore.' Internally, Lauren cringes. If only they knew the freshly whipped submissive that walked out of the mall in nothing but leather underwear was claimed by him. If only they saw that, the uncaring dominant that whipped his submissive with a charging cord.

Miss Demi is kneeling beside the car, not turning to face the girls or her husband. Wilmer undoes the clips on the girls' strollers before whistling for Demi to come over and put them away. While she does that Wilmer chooses to switch his focus and let Camila settle herself in her own car seat. Instead, he picks up Lauren from her stroller and sets her on his hip.

"No!" Lauren pushes the man away, pushing with all of her might, "Put me down! Please! I'll be good, please! I won't do anything!"

"Settle down unless you want to end up in the corner Lauren," Wilmer says nonchalantly, proceeding to set the girl into her seat and forcing her arms through the straps. "Just so you know that I don't need to hit to be a, what did you call me?"

While the green-eyed girl struggles with the dominant man the submissive brunette runs back into the mall with the stroller they'd rented. Demi wasn't sure how or if she'd be of any help but she knew the quicker she returned the cart the higher chance she had of at least caring for the girl later. Plus, Wilmer didn't appreciate having to wait for her to finish her tasks.

"No, please! I'm sorry I said that!" the green-eyed girl pleads, holding the last clip in her fist so tightly her knuckles were white. She hides the clip in her armpit, turning her body so Wilmer can't grab a hold of it. "Please, I won't do it ever again, I promise! I'll be good, please!"

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