Guardians and a Castle

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"Elsa!" I heard Jack call to me. I was sitting on a fallen down tree in the forest listening to the world around me. "Im here jack, are you ok?" I asked him. "Yeah.. I just wanted to say that we need to tell the guardians you're back and alive!" He was out of breath, the sight of him holding his finger up to me so he could speak made me giggle. "Whats so funny?" He asked me. "Oh nothing its just its abnormal to see you out of breath especially since all you have to do is fly" i sarcasticly said. "But you are right Jack we need them to believe in me as well." He nodded. "I bet I can beat you there tho!" He said to my suprise. I needed to have fun with this. "Oh Jack how do you expect to race the guardian of protection? But I accept. In fact I'll give you a head start. You have a 3 minute start and it begins now!" I protested. His eyes god wide and he took off like a rocket. Three minutes has past and it was my turn, i thought of the North's workshop and closed my eyes. I felt my self being pulled into a vortext and opening my eyes I seen North, Bunny, Sandy, and Tooth in the globe room. They were all depressed until Jack barged into the window. He didn't see me yet "Yes! I beat her! I beat her! Yeah!" He screamed doing a funny dance with his fists in his hand. It made me laugh my but off but the others we're startled. He heard me laugh and he turned around with his mouth open "crap i didnt win." He said with his face blood red. "Um Jack who are you talking to?" Tooth said and before I turned around I felt her go through me. It sent shivers down my spine and a lump in my throat. "Yeah mate?" Bunny added. All four of them walked towards Jack thinking he was crazy. "Im talking to--" he was cut off when a shivering light came through a window down onto the floor. It was Manny, he made a silhouette appear on the floor. It was a shadow of me! "that Elsa?" North questioned with his large russian accent. I looked down towards Sandy  and he got what Manny was trying to say. He put a smiling symbol above his head out of sand and started floating. "It is Elsa!" Jack said with excitement "she is back! She is the guardian of protection!" At first bunny, North, and Tooth shook there head in disbelief till Tooth noticed me.  "Guys!" She said and she pointed at me. The others looked as well and they were shocked. "Hi" i said softly, and in an instant all three of them gave me a huge group hug. "Cant...breathe... Jack... Help" I said trying to gain air. "Hey you asked for this snowflake!" He said laughing. "Ok boys we are going to smother her to death" tooth said. They released and i took a big gasp for air. "But how?" North asked me. "Thats kind of a long story.

"The last thing I remember when I was human was being shot with Pitch's arrow. When i opened my eyes, I seen all of you being upset. I didn't know why till I glanced down at my body. I tried to speak to you but everyone didn't believe in me. Everything changed and it was just me and Manny. He told me I was the guardian of protection, i was given the power of ice and fire." I said showing them all my hands. "Elsa being the guardian of protection, you do know how much responsibility that is right? You protect everyone in the galaxy, not just here on Earth. Your powers are only minor. In time they will be fully developed and you will gain more powers." North said searching for a book. He showed me one called 'our ancestors of power'. "The last protector gave up her immortality and life to save this whole world. Her name was Melody. That was over 1,500 years ago, for Manny to bring you back as the guardian of protection. That only means one thing. Darkness could be coming back." He said. I was getting scared and Jack knew, he took ahold of my hand to comfort me. "What caused the world to almost be destroyed" i asked swallowing the lump in my throat. "Pitch's father. 'Lucifer'. He was making darkness consume the whole earth. If it wasnt for Melody's caring heart. The world as we know it wouldn't be as it is now." He replied. I was getting really scared, i couldn't stop shaking. "Ok thats enough storytelling for tonight North." Jack said. "Alright alright as you say." North chuckled. "Elsa will you excuse us please?" He added motioning to Jack and the other guardians. "Oh um of coarse" I responded. I walked out of the door and slowly shut it. I started walking down the hallways. There was elves and yeti's everywhere. The elves was even trying to make the toys but they started to get electrocuted. It was funny because they weren't getting hurt. "I always thought the elves made the toys" i joked around.

I had walked out side the workshop into the snow and started climbing up in the snow. From a distance I could see the shop shimmering slightly. "Hmmm" i said to myself. "If i can make a fire ice ball, what else can I make."  I closed my eyes and just let my powers flow out of my body to the atmosphere around me. I stomped my foot on the ground. The ground froze into a gigantic snowflake and walls started to build higher and higher. All around me it became a castle. There was fire into the walls casting a glow of red and orange colors. There was a large bedroom at the top of the stairs with the bed made out of warm snow. It never melted which supprised me. There was a large window like the one back at Jacks old castle, across the hall was a bathroom made out of red snowflake patterns. In the left wing was a room to practice my powers with a balcony. On the lower floor was a library, kitchen, and living room. But in the middle was a large fountain made of ice and instead of water it was flames. "Wow!" I said with excitement. When i was mortal I was never able to do this, I was always scared of my powers. Now I am here with a dream I never thought possible. Thank you Manny!

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