Just another day

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I woke up and groaned. "I didn't get to finish the damn dream!!" I growled into my pillow. Laying back down I found it hard to fall asleep again. I lifted my hands into the air and let the flames and ice mix together creating a ice cycle with heat in side. "Why can't anyone help me?" I heard a small voice call out into my head. "I hope I'm lost in a fire, I hope I'm taken apart, I hope that's what you disire" it began to sing. I quickly jumped out of bed and put on my jeans and my shirt I've made before. I tried focusing my mind on the voice and location. Soon enough I felt wind blowing around me an rain falling down hard causing it hard to see even with the rising sun. There was thick trees all around that was flapping In the wind. "I'm stuck in a nightmare no where to escape, leaving my heart in a crippled shape. Let me be, I belong out here. Let me be, the monster I fear." The voice sang again. I started walking towards the voice. "I'm alone, stuck in my zone. Captivated by my own curse." I saw a girl about 16 sitting on a fallen tree with the wind and rain circling her. And that's when I knew she was like me. Having powers and not knowing how to control them. "You think it's better to be here, where no one  can find you. You think your better alone when really it's just a tragedy." I sang back walking up to her. She turned around to me and had red hair and bright brown eyes. "No please, don't come near me. I don't want to hurt you!" She exclaimed. "Don't worry you won't hurt me. I thought I would hurt people as well but I didn't." I replied holding my hands up and letting my powers swirl only to die down some because of the rain. "You... Your like me." She said with wide eyes. The wind and rain stopped leaving the sun to shine.

"Were you called a monster and ran away too?" She asked walking closer. "I was called a monster but I was thrown out because of a man called pitch making my family believe I was a monster."I said. "You shouldn't fear your powers nor believe they are a curse because it's a gift that can make you do extraordinary things. My name is Elsa, what's yours?" I asked. "Chloe, Chloe Briggs." She said. "May I ask why you ran away?" "I got upset and caused a lightning storm that caused my home to catch on fire." Chloe replied. "Your not a monster, you were doing your best with your powers. In fact I believe your family knew it was an accident. Why don't we head back and you see for your self and I promise I'll be there by your side if you need help." She nodded her head and we began walking east.

Soon enough we made it to a small cabin that had scorch marks on the side that looked like it was recently in flames. "I'll wait here you go talk to your parents and if something goes wrong I'll come help" I said to her. Chloe took a deep breath and walked over to the cabin. She knocked on the door hesitantly. "A woman with a brown dress and white apron and blonde hair opened the door and was shocked seeing Chloe. "CHLOE!!" The woman screamed while tackling her to the ground and kissing her on the face repeatedly. "My dear girl I was so worried about you! Your father has been out all night searching for you! I don't know what would happen if you were harmed" she exclaimed while having tears in her eyes. A man walked out of the trees. He had grey hair and a black sweater on with a riffle strapped to his back. "Baby Girl!" He shouted running to the woman and Chloe. He hugged them tightly and never let go. "I'm fine mom and dad. I had a friend help me. She made me realize that I am not a monster." She told them looking at me. The parents of Chloe looked up to where she was looking. "Dear no one is there" her mother exclaimed. I held my finger to my mouth and then waved goodbye.

I appeared in my castle foyer. "Elsa I'm having some issues here!" I heard Marshmallow call from the ball room. I ran up the stairs as fast as possible just in time to see a bunch of tiny snowmen running around. "What happened, how did they get here?" I asked giggling some and picked one up. "I was in the kitchen and spilled some pepper. I started sneezing and when I did a bunch of snowmen appeared! I chased them up here but every time I sneeze more come!" He explained trying to catch some. I couldn't help but laugh. "Alright alright you little snowballs calm down" I said. They all stopped running around and looked at me. Before a blink of an eye they all tackled me to the ground. "Marshmallow! Help!" I called out but unfortunately he too was buried beneath the little snowmen.

After about an hour we finally got the snowgies into the basement where they could cause all the mischief they wanted without destroying the castle. I went to a spare room on the east side of the castle. I thought I better be practicing my powers. I made some targets up above me and some on the ground. I made a fire ball and began rapid shooting at the targets. Surprisingly I hit them all. Time to step it up a notch. I combined my powers and made a giant snow monster. "Hey buddy, I need your help with practice. Can you be my sparing partner?" I asked him kindly and he nodded making an ice sword. I did the same but with some fire on the edges. "Ready... Set... GO!" I yelled. I swinged my sword left and right while dodging my opponents swings. We were neck to neck when he finally knocked my sword out of my hand and was about to strike me. I put my hands up causing my protective dome to circle me. I quickly pulled the some into my hands and it formed into a bow-n-arrow. I shot his sword causing it to fly back and out the balcony door off the edge. I smirked and took the chance to get back up and ready myself for his next move. He roared sending ice spikes out of his mouth in every direction. I closed my eyes imaging the shards to go around me or to at least stop. Waiting for an impale I opened my eyes to see all the shards stopped in mid air not moving at all. "Huh?" I asked my self.

I thought again about the shards once more but only for them to drop on to the ground. As if I'm commanding them they did exactly what I thought. I reached my hand out over one and thought about it coming up into my hand and it did. "So now I can imagine things to happen and it does as I ask?" I thought to myself. I imagined my opponent to charge at me again and he started running at me full speed. "STOP!" I yelled. And he did exactly that. He was stuck in the middle of the air with his feet in position to continue to run. His eyes was looking around still and I can see his chest still rising up and down. "Run" I said and soon he unfroze and continued to charge at the wall where I was. "Woah" I muttered.

I kept training till night fall. I kept thinking about Jack and where he could be. I haven't seen him in two days now and it's worrying me. I transported myself to Norths workshop and looked around. All the yeties and elves where there but not a trace of the guardians. Where are they? I walked over to the globe and looked at all the lights appearing on it. I smiled at all the lights knowing they still believe. Once more I transported myself back into my room and just sat on my bed. My window was open and Manny was glowing brightly up in the sky. "Jack, where ever you are please stay safe and come back soon. For me please"

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