Pitch's Return

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"Nice to see that Jack is taking real good care of you." He said as he stared at my bruises. "What do you want?" I asked firmly. "You. But don't worry, not yet my dear dark angel." He said with a smirk. "DON'T CALL ME THAT!!!!" I said shooting ice his direction. It went straight through him. I stepped back in horror as he conjured 3 horses made out of what seemed to be black sand. "They since fear on you, you should probly run" he spoke. I turned around and started running, i didnt know where to it was nothing but black ness then i was stuck. My feet wouldn't move, the horses was getting closer and closer. But I was stuck, i hunched down and put my feet on the top of my head trying to prepare for what was about to happen. Yet nothing did, I opened my eyes and found myself back in the bathroom gasping for air and coughig hard again. Quickly i ran out of the bathroom and slammed the door hard behind me locking it. "Everything ok snowflake" I heard Jack ask. I turned around to find him shirtless standing near the window. Man he looked really cute. Gees Elsa snap out of it! My lip was quivering and I had to tell him what just happened. "I-it was Pitch. H-he said that he wanted me. I w-was being chased by horses." I told him, he lost his smile very quickly. I kept getting more and more scared. He must have noticed because he rushed over to me and held my hands. "Everything is going to be fine I promise." He resured me. What has happened to him? First he was threatining me to stay here with him now he is holding me and making me feel safe. I like this new Jack, " you look really tired, you should get some sleep." I nodded and climbed into bed, "goodnight Elsa" he said "wait, Jack?" I asked "can you stay here with me, please". I had no clue what i was getting into. After what had happened today I didnt want to be alone. "I thought youd never ask" he said with a smile. He climbed in the bed and laid next to me. I closed my eyes but when I did Jack pulled me by the waist close to him, he kept his arms around me. I was about to fall asleep when I felt him kiss my head and I blushed. What is this feeling I have towards you Jack?

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