Bad First Impression

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After I was done taking a shower, i glanced into the mirror. Most of my skin has turned grey, but there was something new. My eyes wasn't as blue as they should have been. They are turning red along my pupils. I was getting scared, I had to snap out of it. We was about to go see the guardians. I kept thinking about what happened to them and how they just gave up hope on Jack to get him good again instead of evil. Infact he isn't evil. He is the sweetest thing I have ever met. I put on the clothes Jack had given me. The shirt was black and had long sleves that only went down half of my arm. The pants was dark jeans that had a few ripps in them. "I like it." I thought. "Hey snowflake are you ready?" It was Jack, he gives me the butterflies bad. "Yes just a minuet!" I replied in a choaking voice. Iv managed to stop coughing and I wasnt as cold anymore. All i felt was exhaustian, but ill be fine. I walked out the door and seen Jack leaning on his staff "you look beautiful" he smiled. "You look stunning" I said to see what he'd do but he just contiued smiling. "Where are we going to meet the guardians?" I asked with a blank expression. "The north pole, but I should warn you. If something happens and I lose my cool i want you to walk out of the room do you hear me?" He said with a determined look. I nodded my head yes "good" he said then kissed my forehead. "Lets go!" He slowly spoke. I went to open the window but he stopped me. "What are you doing" he chuckled. "Are we not flying?" I asked. He grinned down at the ground and shook his head. "If we arent flying then how are we getting there smarty pants?" I joked around. He took out what looked like a snowglobe out of his pocket. "Like this, north pole" he wispered into it then he through the glob at the wall infront of us and it turned into a portal. Woah I thought. "Umm so...we are going through....there?" I question and he laughed taking my hand. Then he drags me to the portal "ahhhhhh!" I screamed. With one step in the portal we was in what looked like a workshop. And right above me was a sign that read "north pole".

After reading I was in the north pole I backed up, I felt something alive touch me. Turning around I seen a large white furry creature, it flinched it's eyes at me. I was scared and barely breathing I tried looking for Jack but my eyes was focused on the thing infront of me. "J-jack" i wispered. The thing took a few steps toward me. I took a few steps back, "jack" i said more sternly. Then the thing came at me in a charging way. "JACK!!!!" I screamed as I turned away and started running the other direction. There was a door straight ahead I ran in there and shut the door fast keeping my back to it so nothing could get in. I closed my eyes letting my heart beat slow down then I hear a sound of a bell and heavy foot steps. "Who's there?!" I said with bravery. "The question is who are you." A voice said in a russian accent. "Im North, also known as Santa. But I like North better." A tall man that had a red coat on and he had a white beard. "S-santa?" I said with a smile. "Im Elsa" He laughed holding his belly. "Wait if you're Santa, then what the heck was that thing out side?!" I demanded. "That was phil. A yeti." He said. He opened the door and it walked in. "Shake Elsa's hand" North said. He reached his hand out and I took it. "Wow i made a bad first impression didn't I?" I said laughing.

"Elsa if you don't mind me asking how did you get here?" North asked me. I replied "i went through this portal with Jack and h--" "wait Jack... Jack Frost?!" He said with anger. "Um yes?" I said kind of scared. He grabbed his swords in his hands and darted out the door. What is happening.

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