How can this be Happening

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It has only been an hour since we found out Jack is becoming good again, but they have forgot the reason we evern came here. I don't even think he told them yet. Everything is fine right now i mean other than my arm being completly screwed up but its fine. North didn't mean to hurt me, it was an accident. "No fair mate! You cheated!" Said Bunny interrupting my thoughts. Him and Jack was having a small race around the room and Jack shot ice at the floor to win. I laughed hard because not only did Bunny lose Jack fell to the floor as well. "And whats so funny your highness?" Jack asked me getting up. "Oh you know the usual, a pesky boy with ice powers falling on the ground" I said giggling. "Hmmm then here!" He said shooting a snowball at me. I used self deffence using an ice shield to block it. "What the?!" I heard Tooth, Bunny, and North say at the same time. Sandy only did a question mark above his head with gold sand. "Oh thats right." Jack muttered looking at me. "I havent told them yet." "Jack she has the same powers as you!" Tooth shouted aloud in excitement. "Yes I do, but its a different story for me." I said, everybody turned to me i got nervous all of a sudden. "Go on" North said. "Theres not really much to tell I mean I cant control my powers, they are a curse to big for me." I said looking down at the ground. Jack came close to me and took my hand, "its fine snowflake" he said with a smile. "Umm guys I think Jack has it good for elsa" Bunny said, sandy made a heart symbol and I started to blush. But that changed.

I started coughing hard again and felt something other than weakness. I felt power, and darkness. "Elsa! Its happening again" Jack said taking me in his arms. "Jack come here get away from Elsa." Tooth said taking him by the arm and pulling him away from me. I felt rage and anger take over me. Something snapped i stood up and formed ice balls in my hands and said "stay away from me?! NO!! he should stay away from you! He is mine! I will destroy you all and make your worst nightmares come true!" I shout the ice balls at her. "ELSA!!!! Stop this now this isn't you!!!" Jack shouted. All of a sudden I felt weak and fell down to the ground. I felt arms picking me up and words it was hard to make out. "Her hair------black" a voice said. "Shes sick" another said "take-----to the trolls-----Arrendele" the last one said. That the last I heard before letting darkness drift my eyes shut.

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