Studying nonstop

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When I woke up early I remembered that I had to become queen. Groaning i sat up and rang my bell. One of the castles staff members walked in i asked "can you please bring some books to my room to help me prepare for my duty as queen?" They nodded and walked out of my room. I went to my window and stared out to look over Arendelle. It was quite smaller than I remember, there was lots of busy workers with their daily lives. I giggled as I seen a baker tombeling around with a tray full of bread. "At least you have easy lives" I pleaded. I was distracted when a servant brought books in. I took them from him and sat them on my table, they asked if i needed anything else I asked "can i have some cough syrp? Please." In about 5 minuets they came back. I slyrpt some medicine down. I opened the first book and seen there was 506 pages in here. "Ughhhhhh" i groaned loud. "Chapter one: preparing. This is going to take a while" I said.

Hours passed, I was tired and hungry. I figured it wouldn't matter if i went downstairs to the kitchen to eat right? I mean everyone here in the castle knows about my powers and what i didnt mean to do. Slowly I headed down the stairs and tried to find my way to the kitchen. "God this place is huge" i spoke quietly. I came across 2 big doors and walked in. I found the dinning room, that means the kitchen is near. I spotted a door towards the back of the room and heard what sounded like a few pots moving around. Must be cooking, "ahh this can't be anymore impossible than it already is!" A yell said from the kitchen. I glanced through the door and it was a mess! There was food splattered all over the walls, dirty pans and plates stacked high up, and light grey smoke filling the kitchen air. "What happened here?" I said choaking on smoke. A chef came around it was a girl. She was tall had brown hair and green eyes. "Im sorry princess, i was trying to prepare some new food for your corination. But everytime I try a new dish it comes out wrong! Sorry for being rude my name is Belle." I stared at her amazed that she was being friendly to me. "Its fine i can see you have alot to do, anything I can do?" I asked. "No, no. Im fine its one of the jobs of being a chef" she giggled, "shouldnt you be studing for your soon to be queen life?" I replied "i got hungry so I came came here to find some food". "Oh my. Im so sorry ill fix you somethig right away!" She said in a panic. "You dont have to say sorry all the time" I said laughing. "It's a force of habbit, I don't really talk to people i don't get along with them." Shocked at what she just said I tried to be friendly "youre getting along with me fine, we can be friends if you like" I said with a smile. "Id like that alot, its easy talking to you." "I feel the same way".

After eating I headed back to my room just looking so forward with more hours of reading. It was already 1:00 am. And I only had 2 days left. Book after book I would read. Once or twice Belle would check on me and see if I was hungry, that poor girl I must of scared her last time. I can't help but smile I finally made a friend. Someone to talk to now, i hope she doesnt know about my powers she wouldn't talk to me ever again or worse she would leave. Fear filled my head, but then I heard chuckling coming from the farside of my room. It was dark so i couldn't see anything or anyone. "Whos there?" I called out. No answer, I turned back around to my desk and read more thinking its my imagination.

Time flew by fast, tomorrow is the corination. The whole town and visitors from other lands. Word has already spread about my powers and it worried me. I practiced once more to make sure i can handle holding the cepter at the alter. I used my hair brush as the cepter but as soon as i picked it up it froze. "What am I going to do?" I screamed. "Cmon elsa. Conceal it, don't feel it. Don't let it show." I said to my self over and over. Its just for one day then you can relax. I still felt sick for these past few days I feel weaker and weaker, also cold. It was very unusuall because I never get cold but now I am. I decided to go talk to Belle because she gets my mind off things. Walking down the hallway I passed Anna's room. Building courage in me I knocked on her door. "Anna? Please i know youre in there. Listen to what i'm saying. You know I never really wanted to hurt Mama and Papa! Why do you think i stayed in my room? I never wanted to hurt any of you." I waited there for a moment and see a shadow under the door. Suddenly I heard the words I never wanted to hear in my life, "go away!! I dont want you near me!! Youre nothing but a snow witch! You are lien to me trying to get me to gain trust in you then youll kill me like our parents! They were who i came to when I was down because my spoiled wierd un normal sister shut me out!!" Out of no where i screamed back "i had to shut you out!! To protect you!! Before even judging maybe you should learn my side of the story!!" I stormed off to the kitchen and Belle come up to me with a smile said "you know what I love? I love chocolate!" She knew my favorite thing to eat was chocolate, i guess she knew i was upset thats what makes her a good friend. She brought me a plate of chocolate cake and said "sisters will fight but somehow one day it will all be better." She walked back to the kitchen leaving me in the dining room alone. "Tomorrow will be the day my life changes." I said aloud "im ready for it"

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